Help managing silent reflux please

thread: Help managing silent reflux please

  1. Help managing silent reflux please


    Help managing silent reflux please

    DS2, 3.5 wks, has just started on Losec for silent reflux So far we've noticed a little difference, but we are hoping to see more improvement soon.

    I was hoping for some advice/tips on...

    1. We have the bassinette inclined, but nowhere near 30 degrees as he just slides down. How can we stop him sliding? I saw pants things you can slide them in that attach to wedges, but that was on a US site.

    2. Any dummy tips? He really doesn't want a dummy, but it's been recommended from several sources. Are any brands worth trying?

    3. Is block feeding worth trying? How often should he be feeding (the recommendation is small, frequent feeds)? Atm he feeds every 2.5-3hrs but I've only been offering him one side as I'm not certain he's emptying me. His poos are a little green.

    4. How can I sit upright in bed comfortably at night to feed etc? As he's supposed to stay upright for 30 mins after a feed I find myself nodding off and waking with a headache/stiff neck.

  2. Help managing silent reflux please


    Re: Help managing silent reflux please

    Hi JLeigh, reflux is not fun, sorry to hear bub has it two of mine had it, one extremely severe. It took about a week of being on losec for him to really show the benefits (he was on it for six months) my daughter took a couple of days (she was on it for two months).

    1. Incline? I found it very difficult to safely incline the bassinet, so I let my babes sleep in the pram during daytime naps, having it inclined. Was great. At night we popped towels/blankets in the bassinet to improve incline.

    2. Dummies, we loved the dummy for our reflux babies!! We used Nuk brand orthodontic silicone shaped ones. Love them. Seriously saved our sanity. Try having a little water on it so bub has something to suck down when first going in their mouth, will help them adjust to the different object in their mouth. After they were older than one month, we would sometimes give a dose of Panadol followed by the dummy to get a bit of peace.

    3. Feeding. It's so hard to not feed on demand with a reflux baby as they tend to feed anytime they feel the burn coming up, which then overfills their tummy, which then causes more pain a few mins later... It's a vicious cycle. At 3.5 weeks I would feed on a 2.5-4hr cycle (I never let them go longer than 4hrs unless it was nighttime). I would completely empty one side before offering the other, and I would give them a 5-10min break in between sides to let the first side settle.

    4. I found sitting on a reclining armchair super helpful to keep them upright after their feed, I would doze off during the night feeds too :/ but in the armchair I felt a bit more supported than in my bed, so I knew I wouldn't slump over to a side or anything.

    Good luck, I hope at least a little of something I've said helps, reflux won't last forever, just keep your routine up, bub's tummy will soon mature and settle down xx
  3. Help managing silent reflux please


    Re: Help managing silent reflux please

    Wow, awesome advice. You are the third person to recommend the NUK orthodontic dummies, so off to get one today. I will try the pram for day naps (what day naps??!!) when I'm not baby wearing. And yep, I think I might have to use the feeding chair for night feeds too. It's at the other end of the house, and closer to DS1 -if Bub cries he might wake him, but, meh, I need to be comfy!
  4. Help managing silent reflux please


    Re: Help managing silent reflux please

    My DD had reflux, we did all the usual recommendations in the short term but the thing that really made a difference was taking her along to see a pediatric osteopath. Two visits and it had resolved completely.
  5. Help managing silent reflux please


    Re: Help managing silent reflux please

    Both of mine had/have severe reflux. My son is almost 2 and still on losec and my daughter only just got off her medication 3 months ago at 4 years old!

    Check out the Reflux Infants Support Association website. We have lots of information on there for parents of reflux bubs. In fact both of my kids stories are on there that you can read. If you join as a member you have access to forums and our private face book page where you can get info and support from other parents. We also have a library where you can borrow books about it. I volunteer for them (an email contact) an its a wonderful resource. I wish I knew about them when my bubs were little.

    Reflux bubs are very demanding and it is difficult for others to understand until they have had one.

    1. I put bricks under my daughters bassinet, you ca also buy a wedge from baby shops to put under the matteress. However, we dont recommend this now (even though alot of parents find it helpful) due to SIDS safe sleeping guidelines.

    2. I cant recommend a specific brand to use - but any dummy they will take will help as the sucking soothes and also the suck and swallow motion helps the acid go down the right way.

    3. small frequent feeds can help, or for some spacing out the feeds can help, all reflux bubs are different so you might have to try both for a week or 2 to see what suits them best.

    4. I used to sit up in bed feedind, but I know what you mean about nodding off. A good glider rocker chair may help. With thr being held upright after a feed, this can also mean in a rocker etc so your hand are free, just so they aren't lying down!

    Some babies are on medication for a long time (like mine) and others only need it till about 6-8 months when they are sitting up etc.

    A very large proportion of reflux bubs are cows milk protein intolerance (different to lactose intolerance) so cutting dairy from your diet may help, though can take a few weeks to come out of your system. Half of the CMPI bubs are also soy intolerant too.
  6. Help managing silent reflux please


    Re: Help managing silent reflux please

    Wow, awesome advice. You are the third person to recommend the NUK orthodontic dummies, so off to get one today. I will try the pram for day naps (what day naps??!!) when I'm not baby wearing. And yep, I think I might have to use the feeding chair for night feeds too. It's at the other end of the house, and closer to DS1 -if Bub cries he might wake him, but, meh, I need to be comfy!
    can you move the chair so you don't have as far to go?
  7. Help managing silent reflux please


    Re: Help managing silent reflux please

    Sorry to hear your bub has silent reflux. Our DD was on losec until she was 1. We managed to get in to see a gastro paediatrician and I highly recommend trying to see one in your area. I'm from Sydney if you need a recommendation for someone. It may take awhile to get in but it was worth it for me. As DD put on weight sometimes we had to adjust her losec dose as she would become upset again.

    I didn't get day sleeps for a long time so I know what you mean. She hardly slept at night either.

    She went into a cot at about 6 weeks and we put Harry potter books under the feet of the cot to elevate one side.

    She was on me a lot in the ergo, had to do everything like that. My mum was also a godsend so if you have any resources to get rest use them so you don't burn out.

    I hope this helps, and bub gets better quickly for you.
  8. Help managing silent reflux please


    Re: Help managing silent reflux please

    Thanks everyone.

    Razzberry - I think I read your story on the RISA site If we use bricks/rocks, do you put them under the feet of the bassinet? How many? Much more than a slight incline and DS slides down with his legs bent up against the bottom of the bassinet...

    MD - we see a chiro, but I might try the osteo too - have heard great things about them.

    Sweetpeajan - I'm in Perth, so will look into it. Ta

    HotI - a The chair is in the playroom for day feeds as DS1 isn't at all independent and I need to be with him at all times. I've moved a high backed chair with armrests into the bedroom though after your suggestion (feel like a bit of a tool for not thinking of it earlier though).
  9. Help managing silent reflux please


    Re: Help managing silent reflux please

    overnight I would feed DS lying down. his head was slightly elevated on cloth. I found that if I didn't move him after the feed he would often be ok and sleep without getting upset. if I tried to move him, it seemed to upset the tummy and it would take ages to settle him down.

    I haven't heard anybody else say same thing, but maybe worth trying if you have asafe place to lie down to feed.

    when feeding other times, I always tried to have his bottom lower than his head
  10. Help managing silent reflux please


    Re: Help managing silent reflux please

    There is already some great advice here. Just wanted to quickly say that yes, the losec takes at least a week to work and maybe longer for it to really get to full effectiveness. I'm not sure about which dummy but I did find a dummy helped as she was sucking on that and it seemed to help stuff stay down better. Day sleeping for my DD2 was non-existent until the Losec really kicked in, and she spent most of her first few months in the sling. I think you probably just need to ride out this stage and hopefully when she is more comfortable the day sleeps will start to appear!
  11. Help managing silent reflux please


    Re: Help managing silent reflux please

    My reflux baby was bad sleeper and was very cranky getting up every hour or so. I was giving him Zantac but not a great help. So, I ended giving him Zantac and after advice of a friend started giving him Babies magic tea. Baby is much better now and sleeps at least three straight hours with less reflux symptoms. Hope he'll get fine completely soon.