I've had a quick scroll through previous threads and am sorry if this has been asked before but I didn't see anything that quite fit my situation. DS is around 9weeks old and his grandparents and great-grandmother think he may be teething but I'm certain it's wayyyyyyyyy too early. Things they've pointed out are
- His red cheeks
- Sudden excessive drooling
- Chewing on his dummy a lot when he's shown no intrest in it previously whatsoever
- A very mild rash, you can't even really see it just feel it
- Random explosive, and I mean explosive, poops
- General irritability and whinging, different from the 6 week~ fussiness
- Chewing and sucking on his fist (when he can get it in his mouth without punching himself in the face and getting mad )
- Almost constant BF but without actual eating, then pulling off sometimes to whinge, and TMI like, rolling my nipple between his gums
- Quite firm, almost hard, lower front gums, where you'd expect his front teeth to come through
They say it definitly looks like teething, and there's a fair few kids between them so I suppose I should believe them, but it just seems so gosh darn early and I just don't know. His GGM was born with 2 teeth and his GM and father both had teeth through by 3-4months so I guess it may run in the family. What do you ladies think? and how are you supposed to deal with it when your baby isn't even hold enough to hold onto anything and chew it? He's too young for me to be ok with giving him bonjela and Panadol seems to help but I really, really don't like giving it to him and don't want to do it all the time. Blergh