At what age was your baby diagnosed with reflux?

thread: At what age was your baby diagnosed with reflux?

  1. At what age was your baby diagnosed with reflux?


    At what age was your baby diagnosed with reflux?

    This poll is to see when your baby was diagnosed with reflux.
    Kelly xx

    Creator of, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  2. At what age was your baby diagnosed with reflux?



    Jack was diagnosed with Reflux at 7 weeks. He gained weight but he threw up huge amounts of milk It used to go everywhere. After a feed you had to sit with a nappy or towel for at least 20 minutes.

    Once he was crawling we had to put down a huge sheet and towels all over the carpet ... he was on medicine which made it better (I have forgotten the name of it now ... was a while ago) but didnt stop it . I think it basically reduced the amount of acid in his vomit so it didnt do as much damage.

    I would be happy to share more gory details if anyone would like me to :wink:
  3. At what age was your baby diagnosed with reflux?



    Was the medication Zantac? That is quite common for refluxy babies, Marisa had it when diagnosed with silent reflux, helped her a great deal. They really hate the taste though!!! There is a stronger medication too, not sure of the name as I believe a new one is out now?
    Kelly xx

    Creator of, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  4. At what age was your baby diagnosed with reflux?



    No I know it wasn't zantac but he had to have it before each feed. Once he started solids it became a little better but we still had the same problem. He finally grew out of it at about 12 months of age.
  5. At what age was your baby diagnosed with reflux?




    My son Samaar is a silent reflux baby. Although Zantac worked slightly by reducing the acid he suffered constipation so bad his whole face would turn bright red when he tried to go to the toilet. He is now on Losec. The down side to this is that it is only in tablet form so I have to disolve it in juice twice a day and suringe it to him.
    I am wondering, when did your child sleep through the night? Samaar is 7 months and still wakes at least twice a night. Last night he was awake from 1.30am to 4.00am. I am at my wits end.

    Tina Bajwa
  6. At what age was your baby diagnosed with reflux?



    I am sorry to hear Saamar is not sleeping through the night. Have you tried co-sleeping with him? That way you might both get some better rest.

    I still co-sleep with my 15 month old daughter as she was a silent reflux baby and she was also unsettled in general. I think you just have to do what works for you sometimes, especially when you are at your wits end.

    Good luck!
    Kelly xx

    Creator of, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  7. At what age was your baby diagnosed with reflux?


    This is prob a bit old now but i'll add my 2p worth. Jack was diagnosed at 6 weeks. This was after the "powers to be" had wrongly diagnosed him as a "difficult" baby and sent me off to learn how to settle my baby to sleep, which of course did nothing, seeing as though that wasn't the cause!

    He was put on zantac and once he was able to roll over on his tummy and sleep in that position (about 6 months) he was okay-ish. Of course he is all over it now! Thankfully!!

  8. At what age was your baby diagnosed with reflux?


    Hi there... Matilda was just diagnosed with silent reflux... and just when we were about to be sent to a sleep centre etc... so here we go! I'm going to do some more research on it, but she's been given Gaviscon Infant to help...

    I have no idea what I can do now except raise everything up and not lay her flat etc etc.... so its going to be a new adventure for me.
  9. At what age was your baby diagnosed with reflux?


    I have looked in Jack's baby book and he was prescribed Prepulsid to help with the reflux ... Jack was a happy chucker though ... he didn't really get upset when he vomited.

  10. At what age was your baby diagnosed with reflux?


    Fraser just stopped feeding properly one day at about 10 weeks - everytime I'd lay him down flat to feed he'd scream hysterically. It got worse and worse to the point where my happy little baby who never cried would scream every waking moment and had to be carried everywhere. I thought it was a feeding problem as the cycle of screaming would start with his feed, and he was spending such a small amount of time feeding, but when I saw the lactation consultant she saw his reaction to feeding and instantly knew it was reflux. He was put on Zantac (which he loves taking - call him crazy) and after about 3 or 4 weeks his oesophogus healed and he is back to being happy. He is still a difficult feeder, but I think he must be pretty efficient as he gains well. He averages 5 mins a side 6 or 7 times a day, and thankfully sleeps through the night again after a period of waking twice a night when the oesophogitus was bad.
  11. At what age was your baby diagnosed with reflux?


    Zander was diagnosed at 2weeks 1day. He has silent reflux, brings it up & swallows it all back down. At the moment he's taking 6ml of Gripe Water before each feed. He takes the Gripe Water ok, but fights us every time we try to give him a bottle.
  12. At what age was your baby diagnosed with reflux?


    Thomas was diagnose when he was 4 days old he just come out of special care nursury and started throwing up everywhere it continued for 12-14 months. Every medicen we tried didnt work so we just had to put up with it.
    There was some very long nights but we over it now and his all better.
    Cheers \/
  13. At what age was your baby diagnosed with reflux?


    My first son had reflux from somewhere around 2 - 4 weeks I didn't know why he was so up set all the time worse at night he was chucking up heaps plus stressed when I didn't have enough to feed him (low supply). So I couldn't win. I tried feeding for 9 weeks ( I persisted ) but spoke to Paed and he put Hayden on Zantac capsules (have to break apart and mix with feed or put in syringe to feed. Then was happy to be given a liquid form of Zantac easier to feed and then we also moved on to Formula for Reflux which helped a bit. We also elevated his bed slightly ( head up ) put some towels under his matteress. He grew out of it by about 8 - 9 months old when he got RSV (3 other babies at childcare had it too - so I wasn't too happy) from of Bronchilitus (not good on medical spelling here).
    But otherwise he got thru it. Very stressful for all in early days but tried everything to calm him with reflux. Even held upright (not laying down) in arms and feeding slightly reclined not full laid back. Some of these things helped us get thru it all. It may help you too?
  14. At what age was your baby diagnosed with reflux?


    Well hendrix was diagnosed today with reflux and Orkids story resonates with mine. Hendrix is such a dream baby and so happy except at booby time - so much so that he just screams and wont eat. He also just is so content when upright but really gets such a pained look and his scream becomes terrifying when put down. So he has been put on zantac and we will see how he goes.
  15. At what age was your baby diagnosed with reflux?


    Kahlani was diagnosed with reflux yesterday at 2 weeks old after the paed questioned it last week. Wasn't really enough evidence at that stage though. Wednesday night was a shocker as she only wanted to be upright. She now has Zantac twice a day and after only 3 times of having it we have noticed a big difference.
  16. At what age was your baby diagnosed with reflux?


    Abby had been diag @ 2 weeks...or was it 1? It was early! She is 6 months now and it is still pretty bad! It'll be so nice when she grows out of it! She has GERD because in the beginning she could not even get back to her birthweight. I guess it is GER and you only add the D (disease) if it is bad enough to NEED meds) It took plenty of meds to get her to keep anything down. Now she is on prevacid and cereal in her milk, plus a little erythromycin to help her stomache contract faster. She spits up constantly, we go through so much laundry and we always smell like sour milk. BUT she is putting on weight, she is in the 50% now, which the doctors are thrilled about! She is a very good and happy baby! If reflux is her only problem, we are sooo lucky! It is more a laundry problem now than anything!
  17. At what age was your baby diagnosed with reflux?


    My darling Tarleha was actually diagnosed at 2 weeks but was thought of being reflux since birth. She had very severe projectile reflux to the point where she was loosing weight
    She is now suffering more with silent reflux but still projectiles frequently. My baby had her first ultrasound at 2 weeks of age to rule out some thing that would have required surgery.
    She has been a little better since i changed her formula from S26 to S26AR which is made for reflux.
    Night time seems the worst. During the day she can scream up to 2 hours at night she can scream for up to 8 hours.
    She has just recently at 4 1/2 weeks been diagnosed with colic as well so no wonder my princess screams.
    Anybody know any ways to help ease the reflux, and if your child was placed on medication what was it and did it help?


    Tarleha Maye 29/06/06 (6 pound 10 ounces)
  18. At what age was your baby diagnosed with reflux?


    I've got another silent refluxer diagnosed around day 6-7. She'd scream all night when laid flat and do the arched back thing when feeding.
    Elevating definiately helped initially as did the three doses a day of zantac - vile stuff but she actually likes it now . We haven't upped her dose for a while to see how she'd go, but she's started back on the symtoms so reading this has definitely helped - think I might up her dose! Thanks girls.