Finally off the pill..

thread: Finally off the pill..

  1. Finally off the pill..


    Finally off the pill..

    So i've finally come off the pill.. and we're officially commencing ttc.

    This is a first for me so i'm a little nervous about what to expect.. it's unknown territory.. but it's very helpful to get some guidance from all the lovely women here. It really helps someone like me walk in with a tiny bit of knowledge.

    I've been taking folic acid for about 2-3 months now as i've heard that's very good for preparation.. also laid off the coffee as well. Was never a huge coffee drinker, but just moving away from it anyway :-)

    Although i'm nervous, i'm also very excited.. :-) Fingers crossed :-)
  2. Finally off the pill..


    Congratulations on starting to TTC. I remember feeling very excited throwing out that pill packet lol! I hope it happens very soon for you.
  3. Finally off the pill..


    Thanks CheezelMonster :-)

    Haha - I didn't get to throw my packet out - i just finished my last one LOL so i'll have to take your word for it hehe..

    I'm very excited - probably because TTC also wraps into moving back to our home in Brisbane. We've been in Canberra for work for 6 months - and we've decided that it's time to go home and start our family.
  4. Finally off the pill..


    Congrats hun!!!! it is soo exciting ttc the first baby. ours is now nearly 2 and we are thinking of ttc #2. What i found with my pregnancy was the blackmores pregnancy gold i think it was called it was excellent, and yes the folic acid will help really well too. I had the same thought as you " go in with as much info as possible" however it was just a great experience and it is great to talk to al the girls on here about anything and everything. One tip though - way down the track when you go into labour i found staying cool calm and collected helped to keep my muscles relaxed enough and not stress the baby out too.
  5. Finally off the pill..


    i've got my fingers crossed that this will be an easy journey for you!
  6. Finally off the pill..


    Thanks everyone!

    I think I get more excited every day :-)

    One question for those of you (if any) came off the pill also... I dunno if it's just my experience.. but I seem to have my libido back times 10! I never really realised it had gone away - but since I came off the pill I realised it definitely went away when I went on it.
    I mean Hubby and I certainly have always had a great sex life - but I'm just wanting more and more lol Sorry if this is TMI - but it's kind of taken me a bit by surprise.

    Anyone else had any changes like this when coming off the pill?? Or maybe even other medication??
  7. Finally off the pill..


    Hi Pearshaker! I have just come off the pill too! There is so much to learn about TTC I never would've thought so much information existed.

    I must admit throwing out the last pill packet was a nice feeling I am excited but scared to see what a natural cycle is like: I've been on the pill for 12 years!

    Am well and truly excited to see what happens to my libido - and yes I've heard that it is 'improved' off the pill!

    Good luck with it all!
  8. Finally off the pill..


  9. Finally off the pill..


    Charting is a great way to get to learn more about your body after finishing the pill. Fertility friend has a good e-mail course on what to watch for and what it all means. Good luck
  10. Finally off the pill..


    Whoo hoo, and yes to the libido, I found mine increased greatly when I finally went of the pill. From memory I think my first AF after coming off the pill was around 1 week later than normal and then it fell into its own cycle. AF still remined same in length etc.

    I've also just come off the pill TTC number 4 (think I may have rocks in my head).
  11. Finally off the pill..


    i am sitting here today thinking about when i go off the pill
    and found your post
    will go off after my december period
    then, we'll see what nature does as i have been on it for quiet a while

    good luck with your ttc

  12. Finally off the pill..


    I've just come off the pill too and haven't noticed a change in libido but my natural AF is back with a vengeance. It was always heavy and painful before the pill but then it lightened, shortened and didn't hurt. Now it does But I'm hoping that means I'm pretty fertile cause AF was clockwork before the pill and it seems to have gone back to that state
  13. Finally off the pill..


    Well I promised myself I wouldn't be a crazy lady trying to conceive for the first time. I have well and truly broken it! Now for the 2 week wait....... all I can think about is babies! I have had tingly nipples and am needing to pee every 2 hours so that's all positive right? but surely too early so I'm thinking it must be wishful thinking more than anything else!!! ahhh!
    How do you take the pressure off yourself??
  14. Finally off the pill..


    Azzure - i would just enjoy it as much as you can... try not to over analyse too much - If you've just come off the pill - it's likely you'll get some funny changes in your body. I only presume that is what happened with me. I had some interesting "signs" too but AF turned up - I can only put it down to my body changing back after being on the pill for ages.

    Just remember, if it doesn't happen straight away - it's ok - just keep your chin up and move on to cycle number 2 GL
  15. Finally off the pill..


    oh how exciting!!
    good luck with the ttw!