I have been in contact with New York and they seem extremely helpful with people from outside America. They said the cost will be between 15 - 17, 000. And you will have to be there for about 3-5 days min. So I don't think that it's too bad. Now for someone to just drop that amount of money in my bank account and I will be set to go lol
No sorry, I didn't receive an email. If you want to try to just email me your email address
Last edited by Kimmygirll; January 17th, 2014 at 10:32 PM.
Hi Kimmy, I think you need to have a certain number of posts before you are able to pm members
I'll email you
Hi Kimmy, I think you need to have a certain number of posts before you are able to pm members
I'll email you
Hi all,
Ive just come across this thread and so excited to read NO negative comments Finding alot of judgment and negativity relating to PGD
We have 3 DS and would love a girl!!
I have emailed superior ART, but have not received an email back yet.
but i think all my questions have been answered by reading the posts We are TTC naturally for now, using vitamins and diet, to alter my pH... i have no regular cycles, and O randomly lol so bit hard to do timing...
We have 2 frozen babies, but DH wanted to try naturally before we use them... I asked in the email to superior ART if we could use our already frozen bubs... not sure if its possible or not..
it so nice to feel comfortable and safe discussing these things
I had a dream we had another baby boy and i called him Lucas.... maby its a sign lol!!
I look forward to chatting with you all
Hi Krissy, best of luck on your journey.
When I was investigating options I found that Superior ART were very slow to answer emails (if at all). We were also corresponding with a clinic in Amaan, Jordan, and they were always very quick and friendly.
I am almost completely certain that you wouldn't be able to have your frozen embryos sent over for PGD. Freezing embryos carries a risk to the embryo, as does the biopsy done for PGD. So when they are combined the mortality rate for the embryo is higher than they like. The PGD failed on one of our embryos (here in Aus) due to cell contents not sticking to the slide. It was biopsied at 3 days, and even though it wasn't frozen until day 5 (when it had many more cells) the clinic wouldn't biopsy it again due to the risks involved. I thought it was a bit strange, because without the PGD being done the embryo was essentially doomed to be destroyed The extra biopsy might have put it at more risk of dying, but it also would have given it a chance had it been chromosomally normal and survived the biopsy.
Hi Krissy,
we also have 3 boys and I have found this group so lovely as everyone knows how you feel so definatly no negativity here. I have also been incontact with superior art and they did get back to me quickly but I am not comfortable going there and have been in contact with america ( they are a bit more expensive) but for me personally they seem like it would be a nicer place for me to go.
Hope your journey gets you what you want
Hi Krissy,
we also have 3 boys and I have found this group so lovely as everyone knows how you feel so definatly no negativity here. I have also been incontact with superior art and they did get back to me quickly but I am not comfortable going there and have been in contact with america ( they are a bit more expensive) but for me personally they seem like it would be a nicer place for me to go.
Hope your journey gets you what you want
Google Farah IVF in Amman, Jordan. They were always great with their communication, and from memory the costs were no where near the costs involved in American clinics. The travel and accommodation was more expensive, but it was balanced out by the much cheaper cost of the IVF/PGD.
Hi Jello, I'm not able to pm you because you haven't got a high enough post count. If you wanted to post your email address here I can grab it and then you can edit your post to remove the email address.