Dandenong Fertility - Low Cost IVF

thread: Dandenong Fertility - Low Cost IVF

  1. Dandenong Fertility - Low Cost IVF


    Dandenong Fertility - Low Cost IVF

    Hi Everyone!
    This is my first time visiting the page! Hoping to get some insight into the world of IVF.
    DH & I require IVF due to male infertility. Had all the tests & had ICSI suggested to us. Couldn't afford it at the time we found out (12 months ago) but now are looking again.
    Have an appointment at the new Dandenong Fertility Clinic - low cost IVF. Out of pocket only $2000 approx for stim with ICSI with most meds included. Only drawback is you need the cost up front. No idea how much this is upfront & how long before you get medicare rebate. No FET provided either but they are linked to MIVF so that is provided there so i hear. Seemed viable for me since I don't have Private Health.
    Has anyone had any experience with them? Does anyone know of their costs?

    Now I am in 2 minds wether to go there or if I should use a clinic that allows you to pay the gap only? Any suggestions on clinics in melbourne that allow you to do that?
    Any help is much appreciated as I'm new to the whole world of IVF!!!
  2. Dandenong Fertility - Low Cost IVF


    There is a BB member who is currently planning to start IVF through Dandenong Fertility. I will try and bring this to her attention.
  3. Dandenong Fertility - Low Cost IVF


    There is a BB member who is currently planning to start IVF through Dandenong Fertility. I will try and bring this to her attention.
    Thanks so much Lenny! I asked for an approximate of their full treatment costs & they won't tell me until the appointment

    Researchin Monash IVF & MIVF - heard you can pay the gap payment with them? I know meds with MIVF are an extra $450 approx, but does the cost for Monash include meds if anyone knows?

    Sorry to bombard with all the questions - trying desperately to get my head around it all!
  4. Dandenong Fertility - Low Cost IVF


    Wish i could help, but my TTC days are long behind me. It's always very complicated and everyone find their treatments and prices vary so much.
    Hopefully Mel will log into BB today. At least she may be able to give you a rough idea based on her knowledge and research.
  5. Dandenong Fertility - Low Cost IVF


    Hi There,

    When I rang and spoke with Fertility Centre in Dandenong I was given a cost of just over $2000 (Stupidly: $2136.90 is stuck in my brain for some reason - can't find the bit of paper I wrote the exact figure on though ). I specifically asked the question "So if I walked in there with $2XXX in my pocket and you had an appointment available you could give me immediate treatment" and they confirmed yes.

    Since then though someone on this forum advised they previously used Dandenong Fertility Centre and had to pay $7000 and claim through medicare which resulted in closer to $3000 out of pocket.

    I am a registered patient with Monash IVF, and have completed 95% of the pre-treatment stuff they require. They have put me on a GAP payment scheme. the GAP scheme with them is individually determined. for me, they've told me to get $6,000 together and they will be able to provide immediate treatment....but no matter how hard we try we've been unable to get the $6,000 together....so we're looking at the Dandenong Fertility Centre and RPA in Sydney as alternatives.

    I'll be able to give more accurate information about Dandenong once we go to our initial appointment on February 8.
    Dandenong does have a pricing list on their website if that helps also.
    Last edited by nothing2lose; January 22nd, 2013 at 01:04 PM. : Removing commercial link
  6. Dandenong Fertility - Low Cost IVF


    I've been told by dandenong that there are up front costs also, which I found disheartening because that's not made clear on their website. They are just advertising the out of pocket costs.

    Cost is a massive issue for us as well. We are finding it hard to get the cash together as well. I have an appt at dandenong on Feb 22. We've done all our testing & comes down to MI issues.

    Let me know how you go with Dandenong. I am making an appointment at Monash as well just in case I'm not happy with Dandenong.

    Best of luck to you xx
  7. Dandenong Fertility - Low Cost IVF


    about to commence treatment at Fertility Centre

    I'm about to commence treatment at the Fertility Centre. I initially started the process with Melbourne IVF, but was shocked at the cost and out of pocket expenses. The Fertility Centre is part of Mel IVF but operating under a different Trading name in order to offer bulk billing to patients. The Fertility Center offers serveral options for payment:
    1. 60:40 option, where you can pay 60% of treatment cost at the commencement of your treatment and then 40% is due at the time of egg collection
    2. Full payment up front. Rebate will be processed approx 3wks after embryo transfer (quicker if you have a bank acct details set up with Medicare).
    3. Electronic Transfer - bank transfer or bank cheque.
    4. Credit Card

    My husband and I were also struggling coming up with the funds and we didn't want to use a credit card. We have taken out a Flexi Loan with Westpac, which allows you to use the funds as you need them and only pay interest on what you take out. We realised we could pay up fron this way and then when the rebate comes back we would be out of pocket approx $3000. We have been saving and should be able to pay this back relatively quickly.

    two important things you should know with Fertility Centre:
    1. they tend to use lower dosage of ovary stimulation drugs (average yeild is 4-6 eggs where Melbourne IVF average yeild is 9 eggs)
    2. if you have embryos left over they will continue to fertalise them to day 5 and then freeze them. Melbourne IVF freeze all remaining embryos on day 2.

    Hope this helps a little.

    Good luck to you all
  8. Dandenong Fertility - Low Cost IVF


    Dandenong Fertility - Low Cost IVF

    Thanks McCrazy!

    I did find out that you had to pay up front but the 60:40 option might make it more viable. Still unsure of their exact upfront costs, but I suppose that would vary person to person.

    With the yielding of eggs, our infertility is due to Male factors - I don't know much about this side, so assuming because there's nothing wrong with my reproductive system that provided they can get eggs - we just need to worry about DH's sperm quality????

    DH & I are unable to take out a loan - unless there is a provider who loans for medical reason with bad credit? We can afford the loan repayments no worries, we just aren't able to get approved!!! (A big mistake a long time ago is still haunting us!!!)

    I have an appointment on 22/2 - so will see how it goes.I have looked into other clinics & although there are some with less upfront fees, the out of pockets expenses & bulk billing of actual appointments makes your out of pocket far less.
  9. Dandenong Fertility - Low Cost IVF


    Hello ladies, I'm currently with melbourne ivf and am most of the way through to get a cycle started but I am considering the fertility centre in sunshine as I'm scared the cost is going to be really high with mivf.
    Has anyone attended the one in sunshine? The Fs that I'm seeing at mivf wants me to do a antagonist cycle. Does anyone know the cost at either place for that cycle?

    I hope I make sense.
