Westmead Fertility

thread: Westmead Fertility

  1. Westmead Fertility


    Westmead Fertility


    Just wondering if anyone has been through Westmead Fertility and if so, which Dr can you recommend? So far we've been told to try Dr Alan Tong.

    Thanks :-)
  2. Westmead Fertility


    Hi there,
    I have my first appnt with Rachel Bradbury in late December.
    I heard good reviews about every single specialist at WFC, and plus the procedures will be done by whoever is available during EP etc...
  3. Westmead Fertility


    I have Dr Ashley Fong. Asks things we had never even considering or told about and we trasnfered from QLD Fertility.
    Last edited by onthefly; April 10th, 2012 at 06:36 PM.