Homebirth General Discussion #11

thread: Homebirth General Discussion #11

  1. Homebirth General Discussion #11


    Congratulations Phynna!!

    Hope you have a blissful babymoon xx
  2. Homebirth General Discussion #11


    Woo! Congrats phynna Wishing you all the best!
  3. Homebirth General Discussion #11


    Congrats phynna! Enjoy your babymoon!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk..... I'm probably feeding my cherub
  4. Homebirth General Discussion #11


    Bella: omg! since when did your baby get to be 8 months old??!!!!!!!! far out brussel sprout these kids are growing fast!!
  5. Homebirth General Discussion #11


    congrats phynna!!! Welcome earthside to your bubba and hope you're enjoying your babymoon x
  6. Homebirth General Discussion #11


    Congrats phynna! Super exciting happy news

    PS hotI can you please put me on the list as due in May?
  7. Homebirth General Discussion #11


    Congrats phynna! What a great birthing list we have!

    8 mths here too and I've settled into the "one day, but not yet" attitude to #3. And I can be very convincing when I put my mind to it. I've had lots of cuddles with my new nephew but enjoying my baby at this stage too much to be even tempted. Plus, she's almost on the move and I know how much work this next stage will be!

    Cassius, have you settled back home now?

    Kelly, how are you doing? Did you manage okay without DP? Loved your birth montage - made me all teary! I'm inspired to make one myself now.
  8. Homebirth General Discussion #11


    Hey guys, this little one could be here any day now!! Just want to make sure I've got everything I need. This is what I have so far..

    Birth pool, liner, pump etc
    Towels for me & babe (how many should I have?)
    Tub of trail mix for energy
    Nanna undies
    Beanie, sockies, blankets for babe

    Should I prepare a hossy bag JIC and if so what to put in?
  9. Homebirth General Discussion #11


    I would recommend packing a small transfer bag. I didn't and it was pretty stressful ordering DH around (from the loo lol) and having to grab everything last minute. Just basic things - aside from whatever you want in labour (powerade etc), remember undies, socks, comfy clothes, toiletries (hair brush, shampoo and conditioner, soap, moisturiser etc), phone charger, camera, baby clothes etc.
  10. Homebirth General Discussion #11


    I had a transfer bag but I packed it weeks out from birth so I could forget about it.

    So excited for you LN!

    I have edited my birth video and created a montage with photos. My midwife will put it on her blog. Just want to show DP first so he's okay with it and also get the okay from my doula. Made me all teary doing it! I actually have quite good footage, even though Mum's a complete amateur. Just the lighting is iffy. I'll post a link when it's up.
  11. Homebirth General Discussion #11


    Can't wait Jen!
  12. Homebirth General Discussion #11


    Sounds great Jen can't wait to see!
  13. Homebirth General Discussion #11


    LN: yeah i packed a transfer bag. just so that i didnt have to worry about getting it packed at the time.

    I recommend quite a few towels for bubs and you for immediate post birth. i found that we went through at least 4/5 as i was sitting in the pool and they would get wet.

    sieve for bits and bobs (ie poo lol) in the pool.

    ice-cream bucket for placenta (although we dont eat icecream so popped it into a saucepan lol. ice cream tubs work better though as they float beside you with the placenta inside while you wait for delayed cord clamping or if you are doing lotus birth.

    ICE! really good for the hot flushes that come with transition...popped in water with some lavender oil drops so that DH or your IM can place on your shoulders or forehead etc. and of course for munching on.
  14. Homebirth General Discussion #11


    buckets can be good for lots of things
    i used a few blankets and few hats for baby cos they got wet in the pool.
    painting drop sheets can be handy too.
    food & drinks for support people.

    i packed everything birthy on the change table, and postbirth stuff in a bag with the table. If we had to transfer, then everything was all together, but it didn't really feel like a transfer bag itms.
  15. Homebirth General Discussion #11


    Thanks guys! Oh the ice sounds like a great idea.

    Looking forward to the video Jen!
  16. Homebirth General Discussion #11


    Yay LN! I didn't pack a hos bag for my HBs but that was mostly coz I was just being lazy lol and I figured the only reason I'd transfer to hospital would be for a real emergency so I wouldnt be likely to need any 'creature comforts', at least not until I was coherent enough to write a list for dh or other family member to get for me.
    The things everyone else already said are good, I found lemonade essential for around transition when I suddenly get very thirsty (& don't want water) and nauseated. It's good for both and to rinse after vomiting if you do that like me. A bucket is handy also for if you decide to not birth in the pool. I love labouring in water but found I've needed to be on 'solid ground' for 2nd & 3rd stage, apparently its very common so just wanted to put it out there for you to keep in mind itms.
    Maybe a handheld mirror if you think you'll possibly want to see progress.
    Perhaps some sanitary pads that have been moistened a little and frozen for post partem (with the HUGE hospital pads you can kinda break open one end and slip them inside) feels lovely and soothing when sore 'down there', witch hazel is meant to be good for that too but I haven't needed anything since ds1 so someone else is probably better to give advice in this area.
    Umm can't think of anything else right now...
  17. Homebirth General Discussion #11


    We had towels, buckets, drop sheets, baby blankets and baby hat, sieve, container for placenta, bean bags, etc, etc. I forgot about feeding my birth supporters lol so lucky I didn't take long! I did chill the champagne for afterwards though. Priorities. Batteries charged on cameras and a torch with fresh batteries (needed by my m/w as I birthed in the pool). Wheat pack, pillows, swimmers if you don't want to be naked. And hair bands! I didn't think of that and ended up with a dodgy orange one that wasn't good enough and looks dreadful in my photos.

    Half of the stuff I did organise I didn't need, but it felt productive ticking off my m/w's list.

    Did need the squeezy sauce bottles for toileting for a couple of days. And the ice packs.
  18. Homebirth General Discussion #11


    Just thought I would pop in and say hello. My home birthed bubba turned one today. In the bath tonight she stopped playing and climbed onto me and was lying with her head on my chest just giving me a cuddle. She has not done that before, except for the day she was born