Implanon: Pros & Cons

thread: Implanon: Pros & Cons

  1. Implanon: Pros & Cons


    Implanon: Pros & Cons

    This thread is to compile a list of your experiences with Implanon. If you could please reply to this thread with answers to the following info, which you can edit and update as you like down the track if things change:

    When you started using Implanon:
    Any issues with insertion?:
    Any side effects or problems?:
    Would you recommend to others? Why?:
    Kelly xx

    Creator of, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  2. Implanon: Pros & Cons


    Costs only of a single prescription to cover 3 years of contraception!

    Tetanus needles hurt more!

    Makes periods sludgy and irregular for 1st year, but after that slows them down so they are only a few times a year!

    I've had 2, but only have the teeniest removal scar from one.

    It's enjoyable freaking out curious people who want to feel the implant

    I have my own fertility issues, but upon removal you return to your normal cycle within a week, not like the pill for example that can take months to settle back into it.

    When we finish having kids I will be back on the implanon for sure!

    Also, when/if we have a teenage girl, she'll be on implanon till she's out of high school! HEHE
  3. Implanon: Pros & Cons


    Any issues with insertion?: Not with insertion, but I have a very big and ugly scar from when it was removed on my arm. It looks hideous.
    Any side effects or problems?: I got an extremely heavy period every 2 weeks which would last a week (my periods are usually very light and only last 2-3 days), a lot of moodiness. I was on it for 2 years and lost a fair amount of weight. I put that down to the amount of bleeding I was having every couple of weeks.
    Would you recommend to others? No Why?: I hated the amount of bleeding I was getting.
  4. Implanon: Pros & Cons


    I used the implanon for almost 2 years, it worked, and it was very cheap..
    The good thing was that I used to suffer horrible period pain and very heavy periods for 7 days, the implanon made my period pretty much dissapear and I had barely and pains. But it made me quite depressed and put on weight. It seemed to mimic pregnancy symptoms such as sore bbs and lack of period.. so I was constantly concerned that i may have been utd but I got used to that. It stuffed up my cycle for a few months after I got it taken out which was frustrating when ttc.
    I would reccomend it as a cheap contraceptive, but I dont think I would ever want to use it again
  5. Implanon: Pros & Cons


    Any issues with insertion?: I didn't watch the insertion so was surprised it was over so quickly. The local hurt more. Bit sore for a few days after insertion, but I kept a tight bandage on for a few days. Bit of bruising.
    Any side effects or problems?: I get really bad PMS a few days before AF - like terrible, ready to kill anyone who annoys me (usually DH). Still get AF but not regularly and when she comes she lasts for anywhere between 7-14 days. AF usually comes anywhere between 30-60 days apart. But when it comes I go through a lot more sanitary products than before I was on it, and also the first few days are really heavy - filling a tampon within 30-60mins!
    Would you recommend to others? Why?: I would recommend people try it - it's not for everyone but worth a go. I got mine when I was on a health care card and it cost me $5! That's it...for 3 years protection! (normal cost at the time was $30...still very good considering I was paying that much every 3 months for the pill before getting pregnant.

    Next year I'll find out what removal and returning fertility is like. This is my first implanon. Hoping that after we have a second child that will be it and will go for a permanent solution instead though, but if not, no problems with going on implanon again.
  6. Implanon: Pros & Cons


    No problem with insertion or removal, i had it in for about 6 months.
    I couldn't work out what was wrong with me, i turned into an aggressive, angry, emotional wreak. I was really concerned and went to my GP. I had no idea what was wrong with me. She explained it is not an uncommon side effect with implanon and promptly removed it.
    I was back to my normal self shortly after that. NEVER again!
  7. Implanon: Pros & Cons


    When you started using Implanon: Had mine inserted in November 2005, replaced in January 2009

    Any issues with insertion?: Not at all - local, bit of pushing, no pain at all. No issues with removal or replacement either. Then again, I have an extremely high pain tolerance...

    Any side effects or problems?: If you call it a side effect - I haven't had a period since November 2005...

    Would you recommend to others? Why?: Absolutely. I love it. Haven't bought a sanitary product in years. Easy to replace - tiny nick of a scar. Complete protection. Don't even have to think about contraception, worry about dates and making sure I had sanitary products - fabulous.
  8. Implanon: Pros & Cons


    When you started using Implanon: May 2006
    Any issues with insertion?: Nothing except nerves from the big honkin gun!
    Any side effects or problems?: Severe depression, suicidal tendancies then attempts, severe panic attacks, nervous breakdown
    Would you recommend to others? Why?: It would depend on how well monitored it is these days. I agree that its a great idea, and obviously brilliant for those whom it works for. But seriously, if a woman comes in and says she wants the implant removed - just trust her the FIRST time and take the damn thing OUT!!
  9. Implanon: Pros & Cons


    I couldn't work out what was wrong with me, i turned into an aggressive, angry, emotional wreak. I was really concerned and went to my GP. I had no idea what was wrong with me. She explained it is not an uncommon side effect with implanon and promptly removed it.
    I was back to my normal self shortly after that. NEVER again!
    Same here! I was having counselling for depression and I was sure it was the implanon that made me like I was so I made the choice to take it out and see. My OB said after he removed it, that it was quite common but unlike the mini pill you can't just stop taking it!

    Anyhow I had it put in when A was about 8 weeks old. Insertion was fine as OB used local but I was quite bruised and sore for a few days. Never had a period at all whilst on it Having it taken out was a bit awkward. For some reason it was embedded in and was hard to get out. Still didn't feel it though due to local but it was quite sore for a couple of days.

    Would I recommend it...well you don't need to remember to take it, it lasts 3 years so it's quite cost effective, you don't have to think about getting scripts which are all terrific reasons and are the reasons why I had it put in BUT beware that for some women a side affect is that it can put you in a bad place mentally.
  10. Implanon: Pros & Cons


    I should add - I have a hormone imbalance whereby I produce too much testosterone, so a progesterone-based contraception such as Implanon is much better for me than an oestrogen-based contraception such as the pill. It's a hormonal thing....

    From the Women's Hospital Fact Sheet:
    Side effects

    Disturbance of menstrual pattern is usual, so the method will only be acceptable to women who can tolerate this.

    Side effects include the following:

    * bleeding approximating normal 35%
    * infrequent bleeding 26%
    * amenorrhoea 21%
    * frequent and or prolonged bleeding 18%.

    Menstrual disturbance is the most common reason for removal. There is no proven method of treatment. NSAID'S e.g. mefenamic acid or oestrogen supplementation could be tried based on varying anecdotal results only.

    Other side effects (5-10%):

    * breast tenderness, fluid retention
    * weight gain
    * skin disorders (note: pre-existing acne may improve with Implanon)
    * mood changes.

    Last edited by Amity; September 5th, 2011 at 11:41 AM.
  11. Implanon: Pros & Cons


    When you started using Implanon: First one inserted in August 2002, replaced in August 2005, removed in August 2008 as decided to TTC

    Any issues with insertion?: First one hurt a little bit afterwards but I kept it in the bandage for longer than they recommended and the bruise wasn't very noticeable. Removing the first one was a PITA - the doctor was accredited but later admitted he hadn't removed one for some time... only inserted. Wish I had have asked that before he took it out. Recovery from second insertion was longer but I think it was more the bruising from the removal of the first one.

    Any side effects or problems?: It did mask my PCOS which we may have picked up earlier if I wasn't on Implanon... but then again being on any hormonal contraceptive would have masked the PCOS. I did have a super moody period every few months where I would only realise in hindsight that it was AF (or the effects of AF but without the blood). I was one of the lucky ones that didn't get too 'badly' effected by the implant... the things that it did to me, I didn't mind ie - I didn't get regular cycles so didn't have to worry about hygiene products or contraception or anything. I did have mood swings but they were few and far between (though when they did hit they were a right PITA - and so was I )

    Would you recommend to others? Why?: Yes, I would recommend it... I have been asked about my experiences and I am quick to add that it may not work for everyone but for me it did. It suited that time in my life and I really did enjoy the freedom it gave.
  12. Implanon: Pros & Cons


    When you started using Implanon: Early 2002 - removed March 2004

    Any issues with insertion?: None, went in easy.

    Any side effects or problems?:Mood swings, no sex drive, bleeding up to 21 days in a row, never knew when it was coming or going. Took 11 months after having it out to concieve again.

    Would you recommend to others? Why?: I had a bit more padding on my arm after two years so it took a bit of digging around to get it out. There is a 1cm faint scar under there somewhere. Hard to say, if you want something long term and not have to think about the pill everyday, then give it a whirl. I think I'm cursed sometimes and will always fall in the 5% of women who the crap things happen to !
  13. Implanon: Pros & Cons


    When you started using Implanon: November 2008 - February 2009
    Any issues with insertion?: Really bad bruising
    Any side effects or problems?: I had moderate anxiety and depression at the time and it increased the symptoms dramatically.
    Would you recommend to others? Why?: Only if there is no preexisting mental condition - you do not know how it will affect you.
  14. Implanon: Pros & Cons


    When you started using Implanon: I used Implanon for 18 months somewhere around 2003
    Any issues with insertion?: Some bruising, it hurts a little to insert.
    Any side effects or problems?: For the first 12 months it was great, then for the next 6 months I had irregular, but very light spotting sometimes for 2 weeks at a time. It was this reason I had it removed.
    Would you recommend to others? Why?:I would recommend it, though it is not for everyone. You will only know how it will affect you once you have tried it. Not having to worry about contraception for 3 years is fantastic.
  15. Implanon: Pros & Cons


    When you started using Implanon: july(ish) 2009

    Any issues with insertion?: YES!! implanon wasnt inserted properly, couldnt and still cant feel it. had to have ultra sound to locate it. also, it is going to be a pain when i have it removed. will need another ultra sound to mark it out and then i was told "a lot of digging around" to find it.

    Any side effects or problems?: just that it went missing

    Would you recommend to others? Why?:

    yeah, i would be 100% happy if it hadnt of been put in wrong. i had a 2 week medium flow bleed a couple weeks after i had it in and then i have not had a period since. its cheap, 30 ddollars for 3 years.
  16. Implanon: Pros & Cons


    When you started using Implanon: When my baby was about 8 weeks old. So I have had it for about 6 months
    Any issues with insertion?: No - it was done well, slightly itchy for a few days and then it was fine
    Any side effects or problems?: No periods since (but I am breastfeeding as well), I have figured out that it has caused me a complete lack of libido
    Would you recommend to others? Why?: It is a great, cost effective method of contraception that works well if you are someone who has trouble remembering to take the pill. Only problem is that for me it has killed my libido which has made DH want me to get it taken out.
  17. Implanon: Pros & Cons


    i have to update my responses!!

    not happy anymore! LOL since jan 2011 i have had frequent and unpredictable bleeding with various flow. its very annoying! thinking about getting it out early and going back to the pill.
  18. Implanon: Pros & Cons


    For the first 18 months of having Implanon I thought it was fantastic. I didn't get AF at all while it was in. Then all of a sudden I became really bloated and sooo moody! I wondered if it was the Implanon so got it taken out, the bloating went away very quickly after this and I felt more like myself.