Irregular bleeding ??

thread: Irregular bleeding ??

  1. Irregular bleeding ??


    Question Irregular bleeding ??

    Hi girls
    I've had my implanon in for around 10 months, the first 2 months I had quite irregular bleeding I guess while it settled in, but since then I've had af every 2 months, almost like clock work.
    I started my last period on 27th of October, it lasted for 8 days, which is normal, and then I started bleeding again, very lightly, about 6 days after I'd finished my last af, which has been for the past 4 days and still there.
    I'm currently CD16 if that helps.
    Do you think this is related to the implanon or a seperate issue?
    Thanks for reading

    ETA: Just thought I'd add that I've also been experiencing some dull pains, kinda like a stabbing pain but dull, that seems to be from my left ovary. Wonder what that could be? Haven't felt anything like it before!
  2. Irregular bleeding ??


    Guess no one knows
  3. Irregular bleeding ??


    Hi GG,
    I dont really know what it is doing to your body, just thought I would fill you in quickly on what it did to me.
    After I had DD I had implanon in and had it for the full 3 years. I think I had AF 3 or 4 times the whole 3 years. I fell pregnant with DS not long after. After he was born I got implanon again and had a regular AF for 3 months then bleeding every 3 weeks lasting up to 2 weeks. I got it taken out after 6 months because that time it just didnt suit my body.
  4. Irregular bleeding ??


    Hey, sorry, if I saw this thread earlier, i wouldve responded..
    It's most likely the implanon. I bled really light for some months, and sometimes I wouldnt bleed for months. It mucks up your whole body.
    As for the dull aches, implanon is there to mimick pregnancy so you can have pregnancy symptoms or even af pains when af isnt there, just coz the body is confused..
    I had mine in for just over a year. Weird times.