Side effects on removal?? (TMI included)

thread: Side effects on removal?? (TMI included)

  1. Side effects on removal?? (TMI included)


    Side effects on removal?? (TMI included)

    Hi. I recently had my implanon removed and for the last three days i have had the most excruciating muscular pain.

    I know some of the pain is associated with this is 'withdrawal' AF pain - i heard it can take a few months to come back and I got AF wthin two days.

    But I am having pain everywhere. I am sore in my hips, and my legs and up under my breasts (ribcage) making it hard to breathe. I am wondering if this is a possible side effect anyone else may have experienced or if I should be getting myself off to a doctor???

    Can anyone enlighten me as to their experience when coming off the implant?
  2. Side effects on removal?? (TMI included)



    Side effects are common when coming off implanon, but usually include symptoms associated with sudden hormonal shifts/imbalances. Ie - headache, weight gain or loss (usually loss when coming off hormones), tender breasts, cramping, bleeding etc.
    I do think you should check with your doctor, but personally, I recommend you consult with a natural health practitioner such as a Naturopath who specialises in women's health/fertility issues. In my expereince, they are best at addressing the cause of symptoms, and will be able to address any underlying hormonal imbalances, candida or vitamin/mineral dieficiencies caused by the implanon and prescribe a treatment plan that is specific to your individual needs.

    Best of luck.
