
thread: Induction

  1. Induction



    Was anyone induced at 37 weeks? Was it a hard birth? DDs birth was strong and fast (all natural).
    My ob is talking about inducing me because of SPD and am just trying to understand what type of birth this could mean. Having weekly physio apt, wearing a belt and resting but it's getting worse. I'm still working as we need the $$. Physio is "hoping" I can still walk by the end of the pregnancy, this is a very low expectation so OB, wants to prevent long term damage by inducing me (we will see when closer to the date), I guess I'm just trying to understand what it all means. I'm booked in for calm birth refresher as I know nothing about inductions CS or pain relief as in my eyes last time it "wasn't an option", but I feel I'm in a very different situation now. Thanks!
  2. Induction


    Both my labours so far have been induced, both very different experiences (a 32w stillbirth where I was allowed to move around VS a 38w livebirth where I was strapped to monitors from the moment I stepped foot in the birth ward)

    They're linked in my signature. I think it goes without saying that the more relevant to your situation would be Amelia's birth. If you want to read it at all of course, it was not a pleasant experience at all and I'm sure you'd prefer positive stories. If nothing else it could serve as a warning not to be bossed around - stand up for yourself and what YOU want
  3. Induction


    Don't forget to check out our induction forum! I'll move this thread in there when I have a moment!
    Kelly xx

    Creator of, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  4. Induction


    Thanks Kelly, sorry for posting in the wrong section.
  5. Induction


    Just quickly, I was induced at 36 weeks and I personally didnt find it much different to my natural 39 week birth. Both were fast (3hrs first natural one vs 2hrs induced one). I have a birth story for both somewhere. Can't remember if they're linked to my sig though.
  6. Induction



    I was induced with my first at 40 weeks labour was 5hrs with pethadine and gas I was natural with my second labour was 1 hour no drugs

    I didn't find induction any more painful than natural but being only and hoe the second time it did have that element of crazy fast that the induction had

    Also I guess it depends on how ready your body is for labour about how it reacts to an induction

    I had SPD with number two and a toddler to look after lol but I finished work early and had baby at 39weeks no long term damage I saw physio wore brace went to aqua physio I was better after I got baby out but still have a bit of pain if I lye on my side a certain way 5months later
  7. Induction


    I was induced with dd2 at 38 weeks for medical reasons. Gel then Dr broke my waters a couple of hours later. I walked lots to try & get things moving and luckily I didn't need any more intervention after that (no drip). It was like a normal labor and in fact was a quicker, easier birth than dd1 where labor started spontaneously. I'm about to have another 38 week induction & if it goes as well as last time I'll be happy.
  8. Induction


    I think Helle has had good induction experiences too.
  9. Induction


    I also suffer severe SPD in pg and I have been induced with all three of my babies. DD1 (my first baby) was induced as I was no longer able to complete my ADL's - couldn't get out of bed, couldn't get on or off the toilet... I was around 39 weeks on each occasion, DD1 maybe 38w5d-ish? Her labour was hard. My ob inserted gel the night before which caused a few period type pains but nothing more. The next morning he ruptured my membranes and started syntocin. Now, I'm sensitive to every drug I've ever taken and that syntocin put me in to hard and fast labour with no warm up! I was crying for an epidural within half an hour. the epidural came quickly and labour lasted about 4 hours. I pushed for about 20 minutes before DD became distressed with sustained deccels and no recovery. Long story short, she was wedged against my pelvis and requires an urgent episiotomy, failed ventouse and ultimately a forceps delivery. Poor little thing, she had been wedged against my pelvis for a while, her ear was folded over for days and she had an indent on the side of her head from my bone. (Not the forceps, those marks were clearly in a different place!).

    DS was induced for medical reasons. Same procedure, but I requested the epidural prior to the syntocin. 1st stage lasted about 3 hours and when I actually started pushing he was out within about 15 mins with a small tear. It was an incredibly stressful delivery as we were unsure of DS's health, but clinically it was an easy delivery.

    DD2 was induced because of my SPD. Same ob, but due to my fast labours previously he inserted the gel in the morning. He ruptured my membranes a few hours later and ordered syntocin but my lovely MW and I decided that she was far too busy to put up the synto straight away and I laboured naturally for about an hour before requesting an epidural (hey - I accept that I have a low pain tolerance and in my defence, I labour hard and fast!). About an hour after the epidural I had a cough and DD2 fell out. Well, that's how it seemed anyway! Ob missed the delivery, much to his horror!

    Given my experience, I think that the ease of delivery after induction depends a great deal on how 'ready' your body is to deliver. DD1 was not exerting any pressure on my cervix and my ob said that my cervix was not terribly ripe. He did offer an elective cesarian but I declined and chose to attempt a vaginal delivery. With DS and DD2, they were both engaged and my cervix was ripe and favourable. They were were simple deliveries. The fact that you have already had a straightforward delivery should work in your favour as most MW's will tell you that your body 'remembers' how to deliver a baby. As your first delivery was hard and fast, I would ask your ob to go very gently with your induction. Gel first and give your body a chance to respond, then AROM if required and if you require synto start with a small dose and increase increments very gradually.

    In terms of your SPD, ensure that all your support people and care givers are aware and assist you to keep your pelvis balanced. Have you checked out the SRC pregnancy shorts? I wore them throughout my third pregnancy and they did make a huge difference to my comfort. Good luck!