Induction Experiences Please - what to expect?

thread: Induction Experiences Please - what to expect?

  1. Induction Experiences Please - what to expect?


    Question Induction Experiences Please - what to expect?

    I'll preface my post by saying this induction is MY CHOICE (completely) for reasons that are very valid to me (extreme anxiety amongst other things) and I am fully aware that starting down this path may end in a cs. So please no judgement or criticism for my choices.

    I'm being induced next Tuesday/Wednesday with my DS2, I'll be 38+5 (DS1 was born at 38+6 no induction but vaccuum assisted delivery due to mal positioning) I have had a very anxiety filled pregnancy, I'm naturally anxious anyway but this pregnancy has exacerbated it terribly. I had a bad slip and fall on Monday which upset my lil man and resulted in a night in hospital with some irregular ctg results (baby very agitated and HR over 200 for more than an hour). Ive had an US and all looks ok now, placenta intact etc But its sent my anxiety into overdrive and I just "need" him out! My OB is very supportive and has just asked me to wait until next week (I'd go now if I could). He knows i don't want a CS and has counselled me about the possible outcomes of choosing to induce. He does, however, believe in a mothers "instinct" and if I need him out he's happy to induce. DS2 is locked and loaded, sitting very low (head nice and deep - so deep the sonographer could hardly measure) in a good anterior position and looking like a good size (8/9pds)....

    So that's the back story...

    I'm to be at hospital at 4pm on Tuesday for the "gels" and then I'll stay overnight and we'll see whats happening on Wednesday (my birthday ) (if nothing has happened overnight) I guess then they'll break my waters? And then onto the Synto drip if still nothing?

    So if you've been induced, what were your experiences? What (if anything) helped? Hindered? Any tips? Positive stories especially welcome (although I know many inductions fail)

  2. Induction Experiences Please - what to expect?


    I haven't had a gel induction, only ARM that didn't work so they went to the syncto drip. It sounds like it would be OK for you if he is already 'locked and loaded' LOL. The only concern I'd have would be if my cervix was ripe at the time they start the induction. If it's not ripe then it may not work or they may need to use the syncto to kick things along. I know you don't have long between now and then, but I'd be using some evening primrose oil capsules and inserting them to help soften the cervix as well as sex - probably not high on your agenda atm, but the semen will also help ripen things up. Give yourself every chance at success and you should be fine. Good luck!
  3. Induction Experiences Please - what to expect?


    Positive experience here!
    I was induced due to ongoing high blood pressure issues, that were getting worse. I was 38+6.
    Went in at 8pm, gels done.
    Slept overnight. Waters broken the next morning, and drip started. Contractions came after that and I hopped into the shower.
    Epidural given at around 111am/midday to help with my blood pressure, was only a couple of cms.
    Continued on for a few hours with not much happening at all.
    Bubs heart rate was playing around a little and I didn't have much happening, but ob was really pushing for vaginal delivery. He and the mw had given me a deadline (which I didn't know about the time) otherwise I would have had to have a c-section. This was because they were getting concerned about DS.
    At 3.30, they started getting organized for the CS, did a VE, and I was 8 or 9cm. My body cooperated and at DS was born at 445pm, vaginal delivery.

    I had had so many issues in the weeks leading upto it, constant monitoring, well being scans, scares of preeclampsia, bed rest, emergency csection plans etc and this was the best outcome for me.

    Thankfully I had a wonderful ob, who wanted me to experience as much of a "natural" labour and delivery that my body could safely do for both me and the baby.

    I had no dramas. I was happy. I was stress free.

    Ultimately all I wanted was my babe safe in my arms, and I didn't care how he arrived!

    Good luck, This is an exciting time!

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. Induction Experiences Please - what to expect?


    Both of my births were induced, and stories linked in my sig
  5. Induction Experiences Please - what to expect?


    I had been contracting for 24hrs but not really dialiating so they decided to ARM and start the drip to get things moving. I had the choice of an epi at the time they were starting the drip (and I was so tired after no sleep and full on contractions for hours) so after the actual induction with epi started I was fine. I dialiated without too many hassles but DD didn't want to move down. I personally think this was because I was strapped to the bed with the epi... I ended up having an assisted delivery (after being prepped for a c-sect) with the suction but it was only three pushes and she was out. Although it was long it was a good birth. No tearing or anything.

    To me induction wasnt something I had thought about but I just went with the flow and it wasn't at all as bad as people had made out.

    Goodluck. I say do whatever makes you feel most comfortable.....
  6. Induction Experiences Please - what to expect?


    I have had 3 induced births and they all ended in vaginal births (1 a vbac )

    My first was due to baby being transverse and then went head down, my 2nd was because they thought she was going to be a big un and my third was my vbac (I had gestational diabetes). I found the drip made the contractions come faster and harder than they normally would but I used the gas and when I got into the rhythm of it it worked well. I also moved around to help with the pain and to help bubs come out. The shower was fantastic

    There is some risk of having to have a cs but it's not always necessary. Good luck with your induction hun.
  7. Induction Experiences Please - what to expect?


    i was given gels on tuesday night due to pre-eclampsia. due to problems with my heart, they had to go easy on the intensity stuff, so i was left 12 hours after that. i was monitored for a while to make sure DD wasn't in distress, then left to my thing. i got some cramping, and started to pass a little of the plug. some panadol in the middle of the night was enough to help me sleep.

    wednesday morning they checked me. cervix still unfavourable for synto (was supposed to go on the drip) so they inserted more gels to try and make things favourable the next day for synto. more cramping, spent as much time moving around as possible. sporadic monitoring just to make sure DD was ok. nothing much happened except some more cramping and passing of more plug

    thursday morning i got up and showered, then moved to labour ward for synto drip. it was put on very low and increased in increments to make it as gentle as possible. this started at 10am, with the intention of ARM occuring about 2. the registrar was useless when he tried to rupture membrane (cervix was still very closed even though i'd had 4 hours of increasing synto). about 3, my ob came in and ruptured membrane, and said to keep the synto at the level it was at (maximum). i went from zero to 7cm in 2 hours. it wasn't pleasant. i was somewhat restricted in movement due to monitors, but managed to get out of bed and onto the fit ball and into shower. if i'd not been able to do that, i'd have probably not coped with that intense period of contractions. being up, moving, and using the water for pain relief were awesome (i can't have peth due to allergy and the gas makes me seriously ill - given i have an upchuck phobia, it was a no go too!)

    from there, things went pear shaped - but that was related to DD being stuck and my heart doing some crazy stuff - so the cascade took off from there. i had somewhat expected it, so even though it wasn't ideal, i was ok with it. my birth story outlines the rest of it if you're interested....
  8. Induction Experiences Please - what to expect?


    I was induced with both my pregnancies.

    First was due to insulin dependant GD. I was induced at 39 weeks with gels . my waters broke on their own at 12.50am and i was in established labour by 1.00am. DD1 was born at 8.00am (7hr labour) weighing 7pd 14oz with no further assistance (no synto needed) no tears, no drugs etc.

    with my 2nd i was having contractions, that then disappeared so i requested AROM to get things moving, which they did. i was 38+1. AROM was done at 8am and i was in established labour by 10.00am and DD2 was born at 3.25pm (5.5hr labour) weighing 9pd 4oz, again, no synto required,no drugs, had a 1st degree tear.

    for my own personal situation, i preferred being induced. i think that is because i was lucky to have great experiences with both and i was left to my own devices. i had my doula for both births and my OB was very hands off and happy to let me labour "normally".

  9. Induction Experiences Please - what to expect?


    I think I have had every type of medical induction there is! 3 lots of gels, AROM, syntocin and even a foley catheter. I think that every womans body reacts differently. My first ended up with a c section after 3 lots of gels and 2 days of labour at 38 weeks for terrible liver functions. 2nd I had two induction attempts with foleys, AROM and then 22 hours of syntocin at 42 weeks BUT i got my VBAC from it so couldn't have been happier!. My advice would be to be open to pain relief as syntocin really ramps up the contractions, don't let them put a time limit on you. I even went home for 2 days in between my induction attempts! Be prepared to have a few tubes coming from you here and there and number one! DON"T FEEL GUILTY FOR ASKING FOR AN INDUCTION! I did with my 2nd, I just made sure I didn't feel rushed and the staff understood and were lovely. best of luck. Will be thinking of you!

    check out my birth stories for the details.
    Last edited by Me+him+bub; December 15th, 2011 at 10:16 AM.
  10. Induction Experiences Please - what to expect?


    I've had 2 inductions, one at 38 weeks with DD and the most recent at 41+2 but cervix was very much closed/not ready (story link in sig if you like) - both times I had 2 lots of gel insertion, then ARM/synto. I will say that both labours were quite intense, DD's in particular as the epidural wasn't sited correctly and so was completely ineffective until it got re-done. But they were relatively short, DD was 5hrs from ARM to birth, DS was 6hrs.

    You will generally be on CTG monitoring throughout if you're on synto, but can generally get up and move around as far as the cords will allow - gravity is your friend. Also, here is a link to some wonderful answers I got when asking how to avoid loads of intervention for Ds's birth

    Best of luck, you'll be snuggling your little man very soon
  11. Induction Experiences Please - what to expect?


    Three inductions..I was 10days over everytime with no sign labour was going to start anytime soon.
    All my inductions have been fine and resulted in 3 vaginal births.
    My first induction was gel and then gel again and then a check to see how things were and my waters broke.
    My second was waters being broken
    my third was also waters being broken.
    My DS1 had to a failed vaccum and then forceps delivery and DS2 was forceps as well. DD was all me pushing her out
    I asked for an epidural half way through the first two times and the third time I asked to have an epidural as soon as my waters were broken.
    First two I had an episotomy and the third there was no time and only had a very small tear
    For my last two I had the trigger I could control it with a push of the button. You can only push the button every 15minutes or of course not all if you are feeling ok.
    All time the epidural was turned off before the pushing stage.

    All things considered, it worked for me.

    You will be just fine.
  12. Induction Experiences Please - what to expect?


    Same as Teni - two inductions for high BP and pre-eclampsia. Links are in my sig.

    My only general comment is get them to do the drip slowly. I am very sensitive to it and found my second labour more manageable. Both times were very fast and I was finished before lunch.

    Good luck.
  13. Induction Experiences Please - what to expect?


    I would also suggest you start slow - take it one step at a time and give yourself TIME to get things moving. One of the biggest problems with inductions (and reasons why it is risky and so often ends in c/s etc) is because once they start they want you to move along very quickly - but with every additional step the risks to you both increase.
    I didn't have gels, but a balloon catheter and tape-type thingy (which does a similar thing, but apparently more 'gentle' according to OB) the night before. Then next morning AROM. We had to argue down the OB to delay the synto. It helped though, as I was still able to move around etc before that went in. Once you're on synto they really want you monitored continuously - see if you can get one of those wireless ones so you can stay upright and moving. It will really help with dealing with the contractions. Having to lie flat on the bed with the monitors on was like a kind of hell.
    The contractions are much, much stronger with the induction. I did have a vaginal 'birth', but as my son went into distress I ended up with a forceps delivery & episiotomy.

    Do you know what your cervix is like? The riper it is, the more likely this will work for you.

    I think it's really good to be going into this with your eyes open and having made a conscious choice for yourself. Really hope it goes smoothly for you
  14. Induction Experiences Please - what to expect?


    Hi hon. I totally get why you would choose this path I personally don't have induction experience but just wondering if you had considered trying a stretch and sweep first? I have two best friends who are midwives and one of them suggested to me yesterday that I could ask my OB for a S&S at my appointment today providing my baby is engaged. It's kind of useless if they're not engaged but given your little man is, it could help you go into labour on your own

    My sister was induced with both her boys due to a slow leak of amniotic fluid and testing positive to Strep B. Her first was really full on with all the induction 'bells and whistles'. It was super quick and quite traumatic for her. With her second, she was planning to go drug free at a birth centre. When the leak started, the midwife performed an ARM and contractions started within the hour. She had a fabulous one hour drug free labour and delivered in the bath at the birth centre

    I have a few close friends who have had full inductions and most of them opted for an epidural at some point. One of them was just last week and she had the epi at the start of the induction. She had a very fast and traumatic drug free birth with her first born and didn't want to relive that. She absolutely loved her labour last week although she couldn't feel anything! It was quick (5 hours from start to finish) and pain free.

    I've had (only) two friends end up with a CS from failed inductions but one was due to the mum having a severe allergic reaction to the gels and the other was due to the baby actually being really sick (I can't remember what was wrong with him but he spent a few days in the special care nursery) and not coping well with the induction at all.

    Hope some of that info is helpful.
  15. Induction Experiences Please - what to expect?


    i agree with going slow - and wireless monitoring

    and if they don't have the wireless available, you can always say you need to use the loo frequently - they'll let you go for that one - and you can walk realllllly slowwwwwwwwwwly there and back (i definitely took my time going to and from the loo each time so that i could be up and about until they managed to put the scalp clip and wireless monitoring in place!)
  16. Induction Experiences Please - what to expect?


    I also agree with taking your time, based on my experience with a Dr who kept trying to push a CS, time was exactly what we needed. But if your DS is already 'locked & loaded' you might have an easier time of it than I did!

    I was 11 days overdue, and DD was very high and slightly posterior. She was showing no signs of getting into position and starting labour on her own! My cervix was slightly soft and could be stretched to 1cm, but it was still high and to the back. So I had my first lot of gels at 8pm. The plan was to get a good sleep overnight, check me at 8 the next morning, and hopefully break the waters. 8am came and nothing had happened! Not even a slight change in my cervix, and DD hadn't moved. So, more gels with the next check to be at midday. Contractions started coming along well this time, and I felt like we were on our way! But midday came, and a VE found that my cervix had only barely softened, and only moved a tiny bit forward. The Dr was not convinced more gels would do anything, and was certain I was headed for a CS. But DH and I asked for time, as I'd been having good contractions (to the point they made me vomit).

    So we had that extra time, and the Dr was going to come back at 6pm. But DD had her own ideas! At 2:50 my waters suddenly broke on their own. The midwives found I was 4cm dilated, hooray! It all got very frustrating here as I spent from then onwards on the bed strapped to the monitoring machine, so if you can get it to be mobile monitoring I reckon go for it! Anyway, all on her own DD turned around, dropped and started making her way out. She was born naturally at 5:45pm.

    If we hadn't had that extra time, I have no doubt I'd have had a CS. The Dr actually started suggesting it at 8am when the first lot of gels did squat. But if your DS is all ready to go and your cervix is favourable, hopefully all you'll need is the gels and it'll get going nice and smoothly for you! Good luck!
  17. Induction Experiences Please - what to expect?


    I was induced with DS2.

    My waters broke just after a shower and they had a green tinge to them. I went to a routine dr appt and was then told i needed to go to the hospital. My first reation was NO because even though i knew my waters were broked i had not yet felt any contractions and knew this could possibly mean induction.

    Upon arrival at the hospital i was starting to feel regular contractions. I was examined and it was found that it was my hind waters that had broken. I was then given an unltrasound to make sure bub was head down and not bum down (because of the hind waters). I was told that i could be going to a c-section if it was bum down.

    All fine though head was down. I was taken to a birthing suite and still things were coming along on their own. Not fast enough though (for the midwives) so i was put on a synto drip. Within about an hour of arriving at the hospital i think that was. So i had been expereincing my own contractions and then once the drip had been inserted the change in contractions was soooo much more intense. But it was managealble i only ever had some gas throughout the whole thing. DS2 was then born about 2 hours later, a happy and healthy little man.

    Induction had always been a fear of mine since my first pregnancy but i must say i had a pretty good induction expereince. It is hard to know though how much of a part the induction played compared to the process my own body would have taken. I think it just sped things up quite a bit.

    This may not work or may not be an option but are you able to go and have some accupunture to prepare for next week? With DD i was getting close to my due date and i had always gone early so i decided to go have some accupunture. The first appt i was told was to 'move things down' and then my next appt would have been to 'really get things moving along'. I never made it to the next appt and who knows if the 1 appt that i had had an effect on bringing DD along?? But if you could help prepare your body early that could possibly help with having a positive induction expereince also.

    Good luck i hope you little one is in your arms very soon and you can relax and enjoy motherhood
  18. Induction Experiences Please - what to expect?


    I was induced with the synto with DS. I think everyone has given you some really good pointers and advice. I just wanted to add that even if you don't have wireless monitoring (I didn't), you can still move around and get into whatever position you like. It is their job to keep the monitors in place, you just need to focus on laboring and let them worry about monitoring. I had a fantastic midwife who enouraged me to try all different types of positions while she held/adjusted the monitors. My only advice to you would be don't take no for answer in terms of positioning yourself how you want to be positioned.

    If you're worried about the hospital/midwifes cooperating, them maybe see if you can get hold of a student midwife or doula to attend your labor, they would be great if helping you find the position that will work for you.
