Nipple stimulation

thread: Nipple stimulation

  1. Nipple stimulation


    Nipple stimulation

    Ok so this may sound like a silly question but if I use a breast pump for nipple stimulation will it waste precious colostrum? Should I save any I get and freeze it?


  2. Nipple stimulation


    Did you have any difficulties feeding your other kids? Are you expecting bub to need extra help when they arrive (special care etc)?

    If not, i wouldn't bother. You will make colustrum when bub arrives and they can get it direct from you. This helps them learn and baby sucking will help bring your milk in.
  3. Nipple stimulation


    Thanks Hotl! No no dramas feeding my other boys.
    Probable won't work but worth a try!
  4. Nipple stimulation


    I don't think you need a pump to get the possible induction benefits of nipple stimulation... Just get nekkid with your DP, have some cuddles and get him to have a play! It's as much about the "love" hormones as anything and being close to your SO and feeling the lurve can be beneficial.

    I wouldn't want to be wasting colostrum...
  5. Nipple stimulation


    Ummm just pinching did the trick for me... some reason i thought it was a great idea around 5am after 2 hours sleep and it actually worked.
    That was after two weeks of trying intermittently with no success.
    When it did work, baby born 18 hours later lol.
  6. Nipple stimulation


    you won't be wasting it, you'll just make more.