thread: S&S

  1. S&S



    My mw said they offer internals from 36w, I am not quite sure what that means, other than telling you how engaged the baby is, how far dilated and effaced you are? None of which are really a good predictor of how soon labour will occur. They also offer S&S but I'm unclear as to when they actually start doing those... can you request them, or do you have to wait til 39 weeks etc? When is the earliest you can request a S&S? I've been working on natural induction research and so far the only things I can see with any significant effect are S&S and nipple stimulation. If anyone knows of anything else that is safe AND effective I'm all ears .

  2. S&S


    I had to ask for one at 40 weeks. The MW performed one at I think 40+5 and told me to come back the next day for a second, if I didn't go into labour overnight, as sometimes you need two in 48 hours to kick things off.

    I turned up the next day for the second and had my horrible experience with nasty MW who made me cry! She told me there was no point in doing a second as the first had clearly not worked. She asked if it hurt? I said no, not really, just felt like a thorough internal (which it did) and she then told me that the previous MW clearly didn't do it right then because it should have hurt.

    I'm not too sure about that last comment but anyway...

    She refused a second S&S, sent me packing in tears. Useful!

    So it didn't do much for me, sorry.
  3. S&S


    As with most things, they won't be effective unless you and your baby are nearly ready to labour anyway.
    Sex can also be helpful - again, the oxytocin will only do its thing if your uterus is ready.
  4. S&S


    i had induction acupuncture. only thing was he wouldnt do it until my due date or just after my due date. not sure if it worked or was just timing but i had two sessions. the second session was 4 days before i had a show. HOWEVER, i had a show on the day i was booked into the hospital for induction at 10 days over. so really i dont know if it was just that i was so far overdue that it would have happened then anyway or if the acupuncture got something started. i also went 10 days over with my first pregnancy and i didnt have any signs of readiness but didnt have the accupunture that time. (sorry that is a total ramble i am too tired to go and clean up my sentences) LOL
  5. S&S


    My ob did a S&S with DS at 41+1 and he was born within 20 hours, but I was 4cm dilated with a favourable cervix - she wouldn't do one until I was over 41 weeks. My midwife ths time is happy to do one from 39+5, someone in my Belly Buddy's group has a midwife who is happy to do it from 38 weeks! So it seems to depend on your caregiver as to when they'll do one.
  6. S&S


    Thanks all. I'm a huge skeptic (gosh really ) of natural inductions... I just don't think anything works but the big guns unless the baby says "yep, it's time".
  7. S&S


    I did EVERYTHING last time, including three rounds of induction acupuncture! This time round I'm much less stressed as I know the baby will come when he's ready so no point stressing and trying to hurry him up. It's a much nicer feeling
  8. S&S


    The MW gave me an internal at 38 weeks, and quite matter of factly told me that i'd be in labour that night My body had done its job and was ready for showtime although I was in strong denial and fearful of what was to come

    She was right too. DS was born within 24hours after the internal.
  9. S&S


    Membrane Stripping, Membrane Sweeping–just say NO | Gloria Lemay

    I don’t like to put this type of study up on my blog because I think the data is obtained unethically i.e. the women involved are not fully informed that they may get an infection, release the membranes accidentally leading to induction, be subjected to unnecessary pain and suffering, put themselves at risk for a cesarean, have a premature baby, etc. etc etc. I’m posting this because this aggressive procedure is done without hesitation by many practitioners and perhaps some women will read this and warn their friends.
    Kelly xx

    Creator of BellyBelly.com.au, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  10. S&S


    Thanks all. I'm a huge skeptic (gosh really ) of natural inductions... I just don't think anything works but the big guns unless the baby says "yep, it's time".

    So, don't put yourself through it. you will just feel more ripped off when it doesn't work. i don't understand why you would want, or they would do, VEs from 36 weeks - it's not even 'full term' yet, its unneccessary and a potential source of infection let alone the psychological effect of 'nothing is happening' or 'i am x cm dilated, why is labour not starting'.
  11. S&S


    So, don't put yourself through it. you will just feel more ripped off when it doesn't work. i don't understand why you would want, or they would do, VEs from 36 weeks - it's not even 'full term' yet, its unneccessary and a potential source of infection let alone the psychological effect of 'nothing is happening' or 'i am x cm dilated, why is labour not starting'.
    Oh yeah, the internals are meaningless unless they do a S&S which I don't think they would do at 36w. So I'm also confused about why they are offered and what it would achieve? Your current dilation, effacement and engagement cannot predict labour onset. As for the S&S, I'm trying to talk myself down from a formal induction into regular S&S only, as what I've read indicates that though they don't work for everyone, they do drastically reduce the chances of going post 41 weeks.
  12. S&S


    Not sure if it was a coincidence - and after all I was overdue by then - but I was doing nipple stimulation when labour began with DD. I'd been doing it daily for about a week and contractions starred at 40 plus 4.
  13. S&S


    I had a pregnancy massage just before my labour started. (it started as i was drivinghome) The masseur offered me an induction massage but i said nah i just wanted a relaxing one. i don't know how successful an induction massage is, but it would be much more enjoyable than a S&S or some of the other methods
  14. S&S


    I did the nipple stimulation the night before my waters broke. I woke up to the "pop" feeling and had to bolt to the bathroom at 5am.
    Prior to that I had no indication at all that I was close to labour and I was only 36+3. (I didn't actually think it would work!!) Contractions hadn't started by 9am so I had some induction acupuncture and was having contractions by midday.

    No idea if it was all coincidence but I'll go the natural route if there is ever a next time for sure!
  15. S&S


    My MW a few did s&s a couple of days apart for DD2 but it didn't seem to do anything even though my cervix was 'ripe'. What did apparently work was evening primrose oil. I did a dose at night and another the next morning and went into labour just after putting children to bes that night! I doubt that id do it again though coz it likely was the reason waters breaking was 1st sign of labour (all the rest were around transition) which lead to a very speedy labour/delivery- 1 1/2hrs was very fullon & stressful, thank goodness I didn't have to try get to hospital! Haha
    Last edited by HomeStyleMumma; June 23rd, 2012 at 02:16 PM. : Add which baby this is about! :)
  16. S&S


    I don't believe anything works unless babe is ready. I have read a study on the consumption of fresh dates from 34 or 36 weeks can prevent the need for induction.... I'll see if I can find the study.

    It's from 36 weeks, 6 dates per day

  17. S&S


    I don't believe anything works unless babe is ready. I have read a study on the consumption of fresh dates from 34 or 36 weeks can prevent the need for induction.... I'll see if I can find the study.

    It's from 36 weeks, 6 dates per day

    That's awesome! Fairly small sample size but enough to make me think about eating some dates in a few weeks LOL