So I'm currently 41 weeks, cervix is moving forwards and starting to open (Dr could touch the head but not easily reach membranes) but my bp is starting to misbehave more than it already was - so the decision has been made to go in for induction tomorrow morning. We're going to start with a dose of gels, and then see how things progress from there, I've already asked for as little other intervention as possible with regards to monitoring (which I know will be necessary with the combo of induced labour and iffy bp) and am holding off on the epidural unless I reach a point where either my bp causes serious issues or I feel like I can't cope anymore. All of this has been a joint discussion with my ob and we both feel it's the best way forward, so I'm not really asking for the pros and cons of the induction itself.
What I guess I am looking for is if there's any other tips or advice on how to approach the birth to avoid the need for further medical intervention like instrumental delivery or caesar. I am fortunate that I have experienced a positive induction already despite my lack of knowledge with DD but having learnt a bit more about what can happen I'm aware that that was probably a bit of a fluke - this time I want to be a bit more proactive about it