Kids and Christmas cards

thread: Kids and Christmas cards

  1. Kids and Christmas cards


    Kids and Christmas cards

    Ok so DD1 is going overboard with giving Christmas cards to all her friends and classmates - but a quarter of her class are muslim so what do I do? The kids have been asking for cards when they see other kids getting them. Do I let her write all the cards and give them all out? Will the parents be offended? It is a very multi-cultural school and area so I'm sure I'm not the only one with this dilema!

    Just to add we aren't at all religious so the cards say seasons greetings or Merry christmas and Happy New Year and that's it. I don't get upset when Jewish friends say Happy Hannukah and I ask the kids at school how Eid was etc. but I don't know how it would work the other way.

    Any advice appreciated!
  2. Kids and Christmas cards


    I can't speak for all Muslims but I don't mind at all if people give my children Christmas cards. This year for some reason they decided they wanted to do cards so I bought them a 10 pack each and let them write in them. I got ones that said peace because I think we could all do with a bit more peace in the world whatever our creed or lack there-of.
    I might get them to do Eid cards next year and then when Christmas rolls around maybe they will have had their fill of card writing

    TBH I think that any parent who is offended by their child getting a card from another child is being a bit precious but like I said I don't speak for all Muslims and I'm aware that many Muslims think I'm a tad too liberal in my thinking lol.
  3. Kids and Christmas cards


    That's the thing Onyx, some of the kids seem to have very liberal parents while others are definitely not. I guess I will let her give them and see what happens
  4. Kids and Christmas cards


    Hey Nai, just wanted to see the outcome of you got any disapprovals at all?
    I'm Muslim and while I don't believe in it completely my family does, so I respect their celebrations and will participate out of respect for them.
    Personally my son believes Santa is real lol and I let him believe it as he is a child and believe me I get alot of back lashing from fellow Muslims but his a child and I believe let him be, I'd my son was to get a card I would say thank you for including him
    Very nice to see how we can all live together without all the politics involved
    But like I said just wanted to see how it went

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk xoxox