Hi everyone, thought I would pop in and introduce myself!
I am from Melbourne, I am 30 and my husband is 29, we have a three year old son concieved naturally (without trying) and have been trying for number two for 18 months. We had undergone all of the preliminary tests which haven't shown any reason for our difficulties and were referred to reproductive services at the Womens hospital (an affiliate of Melbourne IVF)
Today we had our first nurses appt as well as our appt with the accounts department, my head is spinning from all of the information! Melbourne IVF also ran a second semen analysis on my husband and the nurse informed us it showed 92% abnormal morphology but said we would still go ahead with normal IVF as opposed to ICSI. Does anyone know how bad that result is and how much it effects our chances of success? The nurse also asked if there was a reason we weren't starting with IUI - the doctor never mentioned this so now I am wondering if we are jumping the gun going straight to IVF?
I am doing a down reg cycle with gonal f and synarel, starting the first day of my next period in mid december. I am so confused, I also suffer panic disorder and am on medication to control that, so am interested (and frightened) to see how this journey may effect that! Anyway I am rambling that the confused goose I am today Glad to be here!