Back to back stim cycle

thread: Back to back stim cycle

  1. Back to back stim cycle


    Back to back stim cycle

    Has anyone done a back to back stim cycle with no problems we diddnt get to TF as my blast was PGD tested and found to be effected with our bad gene our FS said as i responded so well and my follicle numbers and ovaries ect are good and i recovered fine after EPU she said she would like me to go straight into another cycle i am worried as my E2 got to 16,000 the day before EPU and even though at EPU i was told i wasnt at risk for OHSS it still scared me and then there is embryo quality we got 8 eggs 8 fertilised 3 made it to blast but 2 were grade 3 no good for PGD testing and the other was a lovely looking grade 2 but was effected with our gene so i wanted some good feed back on people doing two cycles in a row as this would be our last chance before the new fees which are out of our reach next year.

  2. Back to back stim cycle


    I did back to back stim cycles earlier this year, and to be honest it wiped me out physically. I got sick (cold/flu) halfway through the second cycle and it took 6 weeks to shake it. But we got pretty much the same number of eggs/embies as our previous cycles and (unfortunately) the same result - BFN...

    Having said that, if it were me, I would probably still try to squeeze another cycle in before the new Medicare rules come in. GL with your decision.
  3. Back to back stim cycle


    We did back to back stim cycles after our first cycle was cancelled just hours before the ET. My FS said it wasn't a problem other than how I would cope emotionally. I knew I'd be worse just waiting so launched straight into it. Egg numbers and quality were better second time around and I'm very glad we didn't wait as we achieved our BFP.

    For us it worked but my advice would be do what you feel is right for you.

    Good luck!

  4. Back to back stim cycle



    Hi there
    I am new to the forum however we have completed 3 cycles to date with no success and are about to start our 4th. Each cycle has been really different and wanted some advise on which one we should do this time around. Has anyone taken any additional supplements or medication after embryo that has assist with it taking?
  5. Back to back stim cycle


    Hi Hope2010 and welcome to BellyBelly
    You might want to check out the following threads to chat with others in similar situations
    LT TTC & AC to chat with others also undergoing IVF
    LTTTC TWW to chat with those currently in the two week wait
    or check out threads in the Natural Therapies to Support Assisted Conception forum

    Good luck!
  6. Back to back stim cycle

