Down & Out = First Cycle + Two Week Wait + Bleeding

thread: Down & Out = First Cycle + Two Week Wait + Bleeding

  1. Down & Out = First Cycle + Two Week Wait + Bleeding


    Down & Out = First Cycle + Two Week Wait + Bleeding

    Hi Girls... I am a first timer on this site. I have tried to go through my first cycle without the help of google and forums... but I am so down at the moment, that I have looked to this forum for some advice and any similar experiences.

    I have recently finished my first cycle on ICSI as we are going through a Male Factor issue. The cycle was one called Antagonist, rushed as we are going over seas in 5 days. They collected only TWO eggs (shattered!)... one ferterlised, and was transferred at 8 cells, with no fragmantation (ie, perfect quality). This was two weeks ago (almost). I have been feeling great, excited, filled with hope...

    Blood test scheduled for Monday... and today... I am bleeding... I was surprised, shocked and filled with tears. And now, am somewhat heartbroken.

    Question: Do I even bother going for the blood test on Monday? The nurse said yes, but I am skeptical and down and out. Any possibility that the embryo could still be there? Any hope or should I move on?

    Sorry for the dump... not sure where else to turn. Hubby is amazing thru all this, I dont want to complain too much as he feels he is putting me thru so much given we are going thru this due to his male factor. I dont want to put him thru strain.

    Thanks all... !
  2. Down & Out = First Cycle + Two Week Wait + Bleeding


    Could be so many things hun, implantation bleed, just because your body feels like it bleed......

    We had sooooo many bleeds with our son and he is now perfectly healthy. Absolutely possible to be pregnant after a bleed, go for the blood test as it's not a definite no yet.

    Don't give up hope !! Fingers crossed for you and
    Last edited by onthefly; December 23rd, 2009 at 05:09 PM.
  3. Down & Out = First Cycle + Two Week Wait + Bleeding


    it is heartbreaking when you get a bleed before the BT, and even worse when it is your first cycle and you just hope beyond hope that you will be one of the lucky ones that get your BFP on the first go. What you are feeling is perfectly normal, and we all go through it, which is why there is this wonderful forum to provide some understanding support.

    I'm guessing by now you have your result, and I really hope that it is a wonderful xmas gift. If it is not, then my heart goes out to you and your DH. I hope that after some time to grieve you are able to keep going for another cycle. I know that it can be really hard to talk to your DH about how you are feeling when it is a MF issue that you are doing IVF - I know I felt like talking to my DH about my sadnes was in some way going to make him feel like I was blaming him - which I was not. But it is so important to keep talking - the both of you. I also found talking to the clinic councillors really helpful as well.

    Wishing you lots of luck.
  4. Down & Out = First Cycle + Two Week Wait + Bleeding


    Please go for your b/t. Two of my g/f went through IVF and both bleed heavily before their blood test. One now has a gorgeous 2 year old boy and the other is 18 weeks pg. Best of luck and praying for a BFP on Monday.
  5. Down & Out = First Cycle + Two Week Wait + Bleeding


    Miracle I hope that you are doing ok sweetheart, did you get your BT?
    I pray that things work out for you X