Low hcg question

thread: Low hcg question

  1. Low hcg question


    Low hcg question

    Hi all,

    I'm back on an IVF cycle after our 1st IVF ICSI bub was born Nov 2008. I just had a question for any of you who may have had this experience:

    I'm now 14 days post transfer (day 3 transfer) and had my final BT today. I showed HCG but only 36. The nurse said technically 20 indicates pregnancy but they would like to see 100, so either I implanted late or it was a chemical pregnancy that's not progressing. So I have to wait another whole week, continuing to take pessaries (annoying!) and have another BT next Monday !! It's also annoying because the pessaries keep AF away so I can't even find out via nature if it's been unsuccessful.

    I actually have a gut feeling it hasn't worked this time around, but I was wondering if anyone has ever had the experience of initial low HCG that's picked up soon after ?

  2. Low hcg question


    Deni, I don't have personal experience with this as I am 11dp4dt today and am confident my cycle has not wrked.

    But I have been google crazy these past couple of days, and have read of so many women having a slow rising HCG at the start, and have gone on to have healthy pregnancies.

    I wish you the best that your outcome is a happy one darling.

    Sending fresh babydust and stick vibes your way XXX
  3. Low hcg question


    HI deni - nice to see you again!

    Sept 2008 i had a pg that started off with very low hCG - at 16dpo, the levels were only 26! that pg resulted in the beautiful almost 8 month old that is rolling around on the floor getting into everything as i type!

    all the best hun

  4. Low hcg question


    BG - wow congrats on your bubba!! Lovely to see you guys had success!
    Thanks for the vibes murraycod !
  5. Low hcg question


    Just wanted to say hang in there, it is not over until the fat lady sings. Twice during my first lot of IVF I had a low HCG on my first blood test and was asked to come back a few days after and have another test, not sure if they made me wait a week! Unfortunately neither of these hung on but that fact that they re-check it as a routine thing means that some people do just have very low initial Hcg readings. All very normal. Good luck.