french knitting help please!! starting a new ball of wool/colour!!!!!!!!!!!!

thread: french knitting help please!! starting a new ball of wool/colour!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. french knitting help please!! starting a new ball of wool/colour!!!!!!!!!!!!


    french knitting help please!! starting a new ball of wool/colour!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hi there ladies,
    I have restarted the childhood hobby of french/spool knitting. but now need to start a new ball of wool but don't know how!! do I just tie it on and keep going?

    please help it you can!
    Also, what do you do with your french knitting? what can i turn it into to? i have 3 small children so maybe the start of little toys? Necklaces?


  2. french knitting help please!! starting a new ball of wool/colour!!!!!!!!!!!!


    i know this is an old thread but thought i would reply anyway, i did french knitting as a hobby throughout my childhood and whenever i would change colours/wool i would just tie the 2 colours/wool together and then put the joint on the inside so it wouldnt show up on the outside (makes sense??) HTH

    i've never done anything with mine, to this day my dad still french knits and his is just a huge ball.