Knitting for Preemies/Stillborn

thread: Knitting for Preemies/Stillborn

  1. Knitting for Preemies/Stillborn


    Knitting for Preemies/Stillborn

    Does anyone knit hats etc for preemies/stillborn babies? Can you offer any advice? I understand that the colours need to be light but was wondering if you can just donate to the local hospitals? When my son was born stillborn i had some lovely items donated which made all the difference..
  2. Knitting for Preemies/Stillborn


    In regards to premmies contact the hospital. I know my hospy has knitting patterns for vests and hats etc in reception of special care nursery.

    Sent on the move with Tapatalk.
  3. Knitting for Preemies/Stillborn


    What a gorgeous idea! My niece was fullterm but sick at birth and ended up being transported and in ICU. Having a lovely rug for her and later an outfit, that was hand-made and donated, made such an impact and helped to take away from all the tubes and medical stuff.

    Maybe ask at the social work department at the hospital?

    take care