DS5 waiting for duplicate present replacements - what to do?

thread: DS5 waiting for duplicate present replacements - what to do?

  1. DS5 waiting for duplicate present replacements - what to do?


    DS5 waiting for duplicate present replacements - what to do?

    DS (he's 5) had his birthday party 4 weeks ago. He received two gifts that we already had and the gift givers (my bestie and DS's godmother) picked up on it when they saw the duplicate gifts and told DS they'd exchange the gifts for something else. Both took the gifts back (one was a Disney Planes Aircraft Carrier and the other was a Lego Batman DVD)

    Problem is, a month later they haven't given DS the replacement gift. DS has asked excitedly a few times "I wonder what Aunty X will have for me", and we have seen them both since.

    Although they close friends, I feel totally awkward bringing it up. I know that its just been innocently forgotten. Like me they've probably taken the gifts home, chucked them in the cupboard to regift when appropriate and forgotten to sort something out for DS cos life is busy and we've all had lots on.

    I just feel a bit bad for DS as he's very patiently and excitedly waiting for something (as kids do at that age) and I dont want him to continue to feel disappointed.

    Should I just grab a couple of things and give them to him and tell him they are from Aunty X and Aunty Y? Or should I just casually mention it (I feel really uncomfortable doing this although I don't think either would be put out, just mortified that they've forgotten), or do I just let it go and hope DS forgets?

    I'm really stuck - these are good friends, I should feel comfortable just bringing it up right?
  2. DS5 waiting for duplicate present replacements - what to do?


    Re: DS5 waiting for duplicate present replacements - what to do?

    It is hard when this happens! My parents did not come down from 2.5 hrs away for DS2 birthday but sent a card and said that pressie to follow, and have still never given him anything and his bday was in January.
    I have mentioned it to do dad once and have not heard anything since.
  3. DS5 waiting for duplicate present replacements - what to do?


    Re: DS5 waiting for duplicate present replacements - what to do?

    I think its a good learning opportunity for him. We can't protect our kids from disappointment all the time. So if you buy something it's just perpetuating the impression that life is fair...and it's not.

    Maybe next time he mentions it, just casually say sometime like "I wonder too honey, sometimes people forget things like this, so try not to get too excited. If they replace it then great, but if they don't it just means they are busy. I'm sure they will get something nice for you next birthday." It's hard to see your kids disappointed, but that's reality, and it's no reflection on him or the people who have forgotten. It just is what it is. Instead use it as a chance to teach him something and make it not too much of a big deal.

    Sorry you feel stuck in this difficult position xox
  4. DS5 waiting for duplicate present replacements - what to do?


    Re: DS5 waiting for duplicate present replacements - what to do?

    I think Myturn's advice is really good - I wouldn't just hope he forgets I would say something along the lines she has suggested, if he can see from what you say and how you say it that it isn't a big deal - he won't see it as one either.
  5. DS5 waiting for duplicate present replacements - what to do?


    Re: DS5 waiting for duplicate present replacements - what to do?

    Well I took your advice myturn and told DS that sometimes we get busy and forget things but wasn't it nice that everyone came to his party etc etc. He was fine with it and we left it at that. Yesterday we went down to my girlfriends for dinner and she had a new present waiting for him - he was delighted as hadn't been expecting anything so it was a lovely surprise for him
  6. DS5 waiting for duplicate present replacements - what to do?


    Re: DS5 waiting for duplicate present replacements - what to do?

    That's awesome
  7. DS5 waiting for duplicate present replacements - what to do?


    Re: DS5 waiting for duplicate present replacements - what to do?

    Oh I'm so glad!

    What a good lesson and a lovely positive outcome.
  8. DS5 waiting for duplicate present replacements - what to do?


    Re: DS5 waiting for duplicate present replacements - what to do?

    I'm still waiting for the replacement of a duplicate present.

    I'm not asking anything. I suspect the giver has forgotten all about it. But given that they have TWICE bought me things I already have, I really can't complain - clearly they pick good things for me! Just too late