Long Term TTC, Infertility & IVF - August/September '05

thread: Long Term TTC, Infertility & IVF - August/September '05

  1. Long Term TTC, Infertility & IVF - August/September '05


    Long Term TTC, Infertility & IVF - August/September '05

    Here we are in the EIGHTH month of this year - believe it or not! Hoping for a record number of BFPs this month ladies! [-o<

    If you would like to leave your details here for others to view easily and you don't have to repeat yourselves please leave us a msg

    Name -
    State -
    My Previous Cycle Length -
    Cycle Type -
    FF Link -
    Months of TTC -
    Medications -
    Important Dates -

    Current from 01/09/05

    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Amanda
    State - ACT
    My Previous Cycle Length - 27
    Cycle Type - Natural
    Months of TTC - 23 (incl. m/c) - 16 since
    Medications - Blackmores pre-natal multi
    Important Dates - Starting AIH on 3rd September, assuming no natural miracles happen before then!
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Ann
    State - NSW
    My Previous Cycle Length - 38 - 28
    Cycle Type - Natural
    Months of TTC - 41
    Medications - Nil
    Important Dates -
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Anney
    State - VIC
    My Previous Cycle Length - 26 - 25
    Cycle Type - Natural
    Months of TTC - 27
    Medications - chinese herbs
    Important Dates -
    Reasons for Infertilty: aged 43
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Baby~amore`(Trish)
    State - NSW
    My Previous Cycle Length - 26 - 26 - 26 - 24 - 26 - 22
    Cycle Type - FET August
    Months of TTC - 10 with #2, 12 years with#1
    Medications - Elevit, Calcium & Pregnyl for Luteal phase support
    Important Dates - 31st August beta
    Reasons for Infertilty: R salpingectomy 29/6/05, unknown subfertility
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Baby Bliss (Kelly)
    State - VIC
    My Previous Cycle Length - 34 - 45
    Cycle type - Synarel down reg - OI/AIH
    Months of TTC - 13 for son, 20 and counting for #2
    Medications - folate, 1500 metformin, 2 puffs synarel per day, 75iu Puregon
    Important Dates - 5/9 - BT
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Name - Babydreams (Shazz)
    State - Qld
    My Previous Cycle Length - 38 - 32 - 34 - 31 - 34
    Cycle Type - Full Stim IVF Cycle
    Months of TTC - 19
    Medications - Folic Acid, progynova, provera, crinone, pessaries, pregynl(injections) cardiprin
    Important Dates - BFP
    Reason for Infertility - Dh Vasectomy, PCOS (for me)
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - BBTrail (Ali)
    State - Vic
    My Previous Cycle Length - 25 - 29
    Cycle Type - FET
    Months TTC - Too many
    Medication -
    Important Dates -
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Bee
    State - Vic
    My Previous Cycle Length – Non existent
    Cycle Type - Art Thaw Cycle
    Months of TTC - 29
    Medications - Progynova x3, Pessaries x2
    Important Dates - BT 2nd September
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Blue
    State - VIC
    My Previous Cycle Length - 37 - 21 - 38 - 30
    Cycle type - HRT FET
    Months of TTC - Many
    Medications -Progynova
    Important Dates - BFP
    Reason for Infertility - PCOS, DH abnormal morphology
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Cazzoom
    State - VIC
    My Previous Cycle Length - 31 - 54 - 31 - 32
    Cycle type - Stim ~ 2WW
    FF Link - http://www2.fertilityfriend.com/home/1cc75
    Months of TTC - 106
    Medications - Crinone
    Important Dates - 26th August Blood test
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Name - Confusedegg (Chris)
    State -NSW
    My Previous Cycle Length - Full stim IVF
    Cycle Type - In between treatment
    FF Link -
    Months of TTC - 12 years
    Medications - clomid, puregon, pulmrit, pregnyl
    Important Dates - FET - Dec 05
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Name - Firemansgirl (Leisa)
    State - NSW
    My Previous Cycle Length - 27 - 28 - 34 - 30
    Cycle Type - IVF first round ever!!!
    Months of TTC - 21
    Medications - Folic Acid 500 mcg 1 elavit, Provera then Lucrin then Puregon 125
    Important Dates - 9th of september start Provera (day 19)
    Reason for Infertility - Mild PCOS
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Name - Gillian
    State - Qld
    My Previous Cycle Length - 26
    Cycle Type - IUI with clomid and injectables
    FF Link -
    Months of TTC - 36months
    Medications - Clomid, Pregnyl
    Important Dates - Pregnyl inject 26/8 IUI 27/8
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Name - Humphrey
    State - NSW
    My Previous Cycle Length - 27 - 29 - 28 - 28
    Cycle Type - Natural FET
    FF Link - http://www2.fertilityfriend.com/home/3e133
    Months of TTC - 36 for #1, 11 for #2
    Medications - none
    Important Dates - FET around 5th Sept
    Reason for Infertility - endo, DH has high count of abnormal sperm
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Name - Janee
    State - WA
    My Previous Cycle Length - 25
    Cycle Type - Natural
    FF Link -
    Months of TTC - 14
    Medications - none, started taking Vitex
    Important Dates -
    Reason for Infertility -
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Name - KeenAs
    State - NSW
    My Previous Cycle Length - 30 - 39 - 17 - 29 - 30 - 27 - 24 - 28 - 29 - 30
    Cycle Type - Natural
    Months of TTC - 49
    Medications - Elevit
    Important Dates - FET in September
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Lynny
    State - WA
    My Previous Cycle Length - 37
    Cycle Type - Natural
    FF Link - http://www2.fertilityfriend.com/home/5d7c6
    Months of TTC - 3
    Medications - None at the moment
    Important Dates -
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Mel09 (Melissa)
    State - VIC
    My Previous Cycle Length - 34 - 34 mc - 46
    Cycle Type - Natural
    Months of TTC - 8
    Medications - Blackmores Preg & BF
    Important Dates -
    Reason for Infertility - PCOS
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Melbo (Melissa)
    State - Victoria
    My Previous Cycle Length - 29 - 26 - 27 - 25 - 28 - 28
    Cycle Type - Down reg (long protocol)
    Months of TTC - Since 2002
    Medications - Synarel, Puregon, Blackmores Conception, Pg and BF formula
    Important Dates - BFP
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Ness4
    State - QLD
    My Previous Cycle Length - 28
    Cycle Type - IVF
    Months of TTC - Since November 2003
    Medications - Puregon (600iu), cardiprin, elevit
    Important Dates - EPU 12th September
    Reason for Infertility - Pituitory, Thyroid & Adrenal glands do not work
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Special Child (Nola)
    State - Victoria
    My Previous Cycle Length - 32
    Cycle Type - Natural at the moment, looking at IVF
    Months of TTC - 33
    Medications - Folic acid
    Important Dates -
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Shell_l_d
    State - NSW
    My Previous Cycle Length - 27 - 24 - 27 - 28 - 24 - 30 - 28 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 28 - 27 - 23 - 27
    Cycle Type - Clomid & AIH (IUI)
    FF Link - http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/90983
    Months of TTC - 25
    Medications - Clomid 50mcg CD4-8, herbs, zinc, folate, Blackmores Pg/bfding
    Important Dates - BFP:
    Reason for Infertility - cin2 surgery scarring/narrowing, endo, anovulation
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Shezabelle
    State - QLD
    My Previous Cycle Length - 28 - 29 - 42 - 29 - 56 - 36 - 62 (m/c)
    Cycle Type - AIH with FSH
    Months of TTC - 16 (6 natural 4 clomid cycles over 7 months, 2 AI over 3 months)
    Medications - Folic Acid + Puregon 100iu
    Important Dates - 26th August scan
    Reason for Infertility - PCOS
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - sue42 (Sue)
    State - NSW
    My Previous Cycle Length - 49 (stim cycle)
    Cycle Type - Thinking at the moment...
    Months of TTC - 15 years!! GIFT x 2, FET x 2, ICSI x 1 - all BFN. No frosties
    Medications - too many + lots of herbal potions
    Important Dates - appt 8/9 to discuss options for (next cycle?) with Dr Quinn
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Sushee
    State - WA
    My Previous Cycle Length - 30 - 29 - 39
    Cycle Type - Down Reg Blast IVF
    Months of TTC - Since July 2001, 7 failed IVF/FETs
    Medications - Lucrin 15ui at the mo, Puregon 200ui ince AF starts
    Important Dates - BFP
    Reason for Infertility - Blocked tubes, no chance of falling pg naturally
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - *TAM* Tammie
    State - WA
    My Previous Cycle Length - 35 - 28 - 38
    Cycle Type - HRT FET
    Months of TTC - 2+ years
    Medications - Progynova, so far
    Important Dates - BT & u/s 2 Sept
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Zap (Racheal)
    State - Vic
    My Previous Cycle Length - 28
    Cycle Type - Natural
    FF Link -
    Months of TTC - 15
    Medications - None
    Important Dates - 17th August - seeing doc for more options
    __________________________________________________ ___________


    August OPU/transfer/AIH/FET

    Babydreams inkstick:
    Blue :bluestick:
    Cazz inkstick:

    September OPU/Transfers/AIH/FET

    Baby Bliss

  2. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - August/September '05


    Medications for me are clomid this cycle!
  3. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - August/September '05


    Updated stats -

    Medications - folate, 1500 metformin, 2 puffs synarel per day, 75iu Puregon
    Important Dates - 5/9 - BT
  4. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - August/September '05


    Hi Angel

    Can you please update my stats?

    Name - sue42 (Sue)
    State - NSW
    My Previous Cycle Length - 49 (stim cycle)
    Cycle Type - Thinking at the moment......
    Months of TTC - 15 years!! GIFT, FET x 2, ICSI x1 - all BFN. No frosties
    Medications - too many + lots of herbal potions
    Important Dates - BFBirthday (43) on 17/9. Decision will be made then, maybe?
  5. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - August/September '05


    Sorry Angel, that should be GIFT x 2
  6. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - August/September '05


    How are you Sue? You have been in my thoughts.

    Angel, you're very speedy with your updates! Taa!
  7. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - August/September '05


    Hi Kelly
    I'm going ok now. I'm so glad I took the time off work. Apart from being able to blubber when I need to (kinda sneaks up when I least expect it), I've spent so much time in my garden. Digging my fingers around in the dirt and transplanting or planting new things does me the world of good.
    Have tried not to spend too much time in here lately - but I keep lurking. I really like to see how everyone is going. From Thu - Sun last week it was very hectic!!!!
    How are you travelling???
  8. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - August/September '05


    Angel if you want you could add me to the September OPU list
  9. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - August/September '05


    My details

    Hi there

    I'm a newbie so not really sure how this works but, hey, here's everything you every wanted to know about me!

    Name - Amanda
    State - ACT
    My Previous Cycle Length - 27 days (like clockwork)
    Cycle Type - Natural
    FF Link -
    Months of TTC - 23 mths (including 1 miscarriage) - 16 mths since then.
    Medications - Blackmores pre-natal multi...
    Important Dates - Starting AIH on Saturday 3 Sept, assuming no natural miracle happens before then!

    Current from 30/08/05
  10. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - August/September '05


    Hi Amanda and welcome.
    I hope your stay will be SHORT and sweet.
    You'll find lots of support here
  11. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - August/September '05


    My goodness #6 already!!!

    Well i am offically 1/2 way through my tww and i must say the first week always goes faster than the 2nd for me!!

    Starting to get niggily pains and pains in my bb's but then again this happens every month the week before af is due to arrive.

    Hope you are all doing well.

    Am i the only loner left on the tww or are there others out there pulling their hair out.

    Went to a party on the week end and once again had to endure jibes from other male friends about not having kids. I have explained it nicely once already this time i pretended to ignore it.

    Oh well such is life!!

    Take Care
  12. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - August/September '05


    Hi everyone. Well I had (yet another) scan this morning and (finally) I have one follicle on the left that is 15.4mm so back on thursday and probable insem friday so Angel could you please alter rollcall and put me in september instead of august thanks!!

    Cazz I know how you feel with the pg symptoms and impending m/c. I had to wait 4 weeks to miscarry and I had symptoms for about 3 of those weeks. I hope it happens as quickly and painlessly as possible for you so you can board the coaster again soon.

    Congrats to Shazz and Blue.
  13. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - August/September '05


    Amanda & Shez - all updated!

    Have also added BFP notices to our recent graduates - just love doing that part! Cant wait to add it to everyone elses!

    Shez - so glad to hear that folly of yours is being good and growing nice and strong.

    Had my appt today. Doc has agreed that, assuming successful thaws, we are transferring two back. AF due on 6 September, which would make transfer end of Sept.

    Looking forward to not having to have the injections and the stupid OHSS!
  14. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - August/September '05


    So Keen are you doing a natural or HRT FET?
  15. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - August/September '05


  16. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - August/September '05


    Hi Keen/Angel
    Can I be a pest and ask you to update me? I hate seeing those unsuccessful dates of mine there O

    Name - sue42 (Sue)
    State - NSW
    My Previous Cycle Length - 49 (stim cycle)
    Cycle Type - Thinking at the moment......
    Months of TTC - 15 years!! GIFT x 2, FET x 2, ICSI x 1 - all BFN. No frosties.
    Medications - too many + lots of herbal potions
    Important Dates - appt 8/9 to discuss options for (next cycle?) with Dr Quinn
  17. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - August/September '05


    YeeHaa Keen - IMHO your body and mind is so much more ready for that precious cargo when you haven't been stimming - even more so when your body responds so well to the drugs (like you do!). This is just my opinion but I always thought my body and mind were in a much better space when doing the HRT FET than at the ET after stimming. Best of luck hon for this next FET, will be watching your progress!!
  18. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - August/September '05



    great news! Lucky for you (and me, who is impatient on your behalf) that AF is not that far away. I agree with Amy that with the OHSS, you'll probably find the FET cycle easier on your body, and therefore more conducive to getting pg. Also blasts thaw better so you should have some nice ones to transfer.

    Trish, just went back to read some posts I missed, and am sorry that you've started spotting. Given your circumstances, I guess you have enough to worry about, but know that I'm thinking of you.
