LT TTC with IUI #6

thread: LT TTC with IUI #6

  1. LT TTC with IUI #6


    LT TTC with IUI #6

    This thread is for those members that are undergoing IUI to try to conceive.

    If there is anything you would like to discuss about the thread or have any problems then please contact one of the moderators. All emails/PM's are treated confidentiality.

    Just a reminder to all: all LTers love seeing a fellow LTer achieve that longed-for BFP, and we all find hope in one of our own having success in this difficult journey. But please remember that there are those who cycled with you who may not have received good news at the end of their cycle.

    Your moderators of this forum are
    Rouge Admin
    marcellus - Moderator
    Lenny - Moderator
    nothing2lose - Moderator

    To contact any of the above, please see this post.

    Your last thread is HERE.

    Wishing you all the best of luck!
    Last edited by onthefly; April 7th, 2011 at 09:12 PM.
  2. LT TTC with IUI #6


    Hi I'm a newbie to all of this and am scheduled to visit my FS in a couple of weeks to start the IUI process. Would love some idea of the process before I visit FS so I'm not stressing for the next couple of weeks. We've been TTC for about 4 yrs and I had endo removed in Jan this year. DH's samples came back super good so for the past 6 mths it's been lots of trying and tears and we're really hoping for something good with the IUI - hopefully someone can shed some positive light on this for me?
  3. LT TTC with IUI #6


    Hi there B'Bird,

    I am also just starting on the IUI Merry-Go-Round, we go to the clinic on Friday to get the ball rolling.

    I have PCOS and DH has sperm issues, we have already tried Femara (similar to clomid) with no success so hoping IUI will do the trick. We went to see the Clinic for an initial consult back in 2009 so got a whole lot of information which was pretty confusing because at the time we weren't even sure how extensive our problems were.

    I am currently on the pill to keep my cycles regular while we finished having our test (the big expensive blood tests you need before starting), and am due to get AF on the day we go to the clinic. Not sure if they will start us straight away or wait til the next cycle. We are good to go when ever they say the word.

    Good luck with your IUI round.
  4. LT TTC with IUI #6


    Hi there,
    First of all IUI can work so be positive, it worked on the 2nd cycle with our first child & we are currantly on our 4th cycle trying for our secound.

    It might be different for everyone but for me I inject purogen everyday from day 3 of my cycle, you have a blood test around day 9/10 & they can tell from that if your dose needs to be higher to get the follicles growing or if they are just about ready to go.
    If they are ready to go you go in for a vaginal ultrasound where they check size & number of eggies, if you have more than 2 they usually cancel your cycle.

    If size & number are right they send you home with an injection to take that night to induce ovulation which usually happens 24-36 hours later so then you would be booked in for insemination for the appropriate time.
    The insemination is painless & not even as bad as a pap smear & is over in say 5 minutes.

    Then you have injections of pregnol every 3 days for the rest of your cycle (so 4 shots) to keep your lining nice & thick for hopefully your little embryo.

    You will then have a final b/t 2 wks after insemination to see if you are pg.

    The injections are a little daunting to begin with but after awhile you don't really think about it, for me the pregnol are not so great as they make me feel really pregnant & grouchy but not everyone experiences that.
    Good luck, Jo
  5. LT TTC with IUI #6


    Thanks DJTTC and nellym. I've been trying to stay really positive and it's great to hear people's success stories which helps put me in the right frame of mind. So far we've tried all the natural therapies and FS seems to think we just need a helping hand so IUI should work. Fingers crossed for you both that your treatments work - I've got an appointment next week to work out when to start so stay tuned! I'm sure I'll have loads more questions once the process starts!
  6. LT TTC with IUI #6


    Hi Ladies,

    Ok so just wanted to update you on us. DH and I went to the clinic yesterday to get the IUI process started. We were both really surprised, it was way less expensive then we expected. It is only going to cost about $1300 including all the drugs and we will get back about $500 from medicare, then once we reach the safety net we will get back about $600 I think.

    So the plan they have me on is Femara (similar to clomid) on days 3-7, then if necessary they will give me a trigger injection and that is it other then some scans, blood tests and the actual procedure.

    I am so pleased that we don't have to do daily injections as I have heard others have had to do. We have our drugs ready to go, now just waiting on AF to arrive (any day now) so we can get started. I am very excited by the thought that within a month we could be pregnant.

    Good luck everyone.
  7. LT TTC with IUI #6


    newy to IUI

    HI ladies!

    Hope you dont mind if i join in this thread!

    Here's a brief rundown of our story - I fell pregnant 1st try in June 2009, DH and I were obviously thrilled! Sadly, at our 12 wk scan in Sept09, our tiny angel had no heart beat - needless to say we were crushed and I have had a very hard time with the emotional aspect of our loss. I had a D&C and we started trying again right away...because nothing was happening I swapped docs in May, and right away he took action and I had a lap, dye study, hysteroscopy & d&c. Procedure went well but I had endo on my bowel - stage 3. He also told me I have PCO but not PCOS?? If that makes sense?! So anyway - we saw our FS again last night for my post op visit and he recommended we try IUI! I should also mention that DH has high abnormalities in his sperm! (92%)

    Feeling excited, anxious, scared!!

    I made the first call today and registered and we are hoping to start our 1st IUI at the start of Sept (5weeks time) which is 2 cycles away for me, we will try naturally in the mean time but im not holding my breath!

    FS said that I would be having Purogen injections... my question is..if i already have PCO, there is a big chance I could get OHSS?? or is it such a small does that it wouldnt matter?? Im so confused cause he said if I have more than 2 follicles, it would be canceled BUT last time he did and u/sound on my ovaries at CD20 I have 15 follies naturally??? DOes that make sense??

    Anyway, looking forward to getting to know you all and sharing our journeys!

    Cheers! xx
  8. LT TTC with IUI #6


    Hi ladies,

    So I was supposed to go to my FS last week but he got called away to an emergency so cancelled my appointment. He posted me my BT requests to get done this week. I'm now supposed to phone them on CD1 and they tell me what time to come in so I they can start my IUI treatment. So at this stage I've got just under two weeks until that happens and I'm feeling a little despondent because my last visit to the FS was in February following my lap to have endo removed from bowel, bladder and underneath both ovaries. Does this sound a little strange that they don't want to see me until day one of my cycle? My FS himself is fantastic but the receptionist wasn't very friendly or helpful - maybe I'm just expecting more because I'm now in a TWW and really hoping I don't have to visit FS at all.... feel a little confused because I still don't know if they want to give me hormones or pills etc.
    Thopes... fingers crossed you have some luck before your next FS visit!
  9. LT TTC with IUI #6


    Sorry Bluebird but im really no help, I have all the same questions myself! Good luck all the same and look forward to hearing how things go. xx
  10. LT TTC with IUI #6


    Thanks T-Hopes ... I'll fill you in on how the appt goes. Will be the longest two weeks ever!
  11. LT TTC with IUI #6


    Hi Ladies,

    How are you all going? It has been a while since anyone posted in this section, I hope you are having some success.

    AFM - today is day 10, we went and had a scan this morning, they found 1 x 14mm folly and 1 x 6mm folly on the left side but could not get to my right side so not sure what is there. I have to do OPKs over the weekend and go back on Monday. So if all is good on Monday we will have the insemination that afternoon or they will give me an injection and I will go back Tues/Wed to have it.

    I was surprised that I had 2 follies on one side, do yout think that little one will just disapear? Has anyone ever dropped 2 follies from one side? I am on Femara (2.5mg) and from what I understand the likelyhood of more then one folicle is minimal on this drug. Has anyone else got experience with this drug?

    Anyway, hope you are all going well.
  12. LT TTC with IUI #6


    new IUI

    Hello all,Very New to all this. I hope its all going well for u all, We have just finished our first IUI cycle sadly with no success. Iam starting more injections in two days iam on Gonal. We are hoping thats this works 2nd time round people say it does, trying not to get hopes up, as its a big fall when the blood test comes back negative. Ours cost $1620 and we got back $629. We fall into the "Un" explained Fertlility as we both are working just fine. I found the first needle the hardest but then the next ones were easy. The insemination i didnt even feel and it was over in 5mins. The next 19 days were the killer...waiting..waiting. Well keep u posted and hope all goes well for all...
  13. LT TTC with IUI #6


    Welcome LadyLuck,

    I go back for another scan tomorrow and hopefully the insemination, I am getting quite excited. However I haven't had a surge yet, but they did say that I might never get one because of my PCOS. so not sure what will happen there.
  14. LT TTC with IUI #6


    New to IUI

    Hi all, as the title says, I am new to the whole IUI process and from reading a few of the posts on here thought it was a good thread to join.
    Just a little bit about my journey so far. I was diagnosed quite a few years ago with PCOS, so DH and I knew that TTC wasn't going to be easy. DH has been checked out and has no issues with his little fellas, but me on the other hand is another kettle of fish. Since going off the pill over 12 months ago I only got AF twice by myself and since seeing our FS in Feb only get them after taking provera. We have already done 3 cycles with clomid #1 50mg, #2 100mg, #3 150mg, but no luck and didn't even ovulate . So this cycle we are going to do IUI but naturally (if that makes sense).
    This cycle so far, I am still waiting for AF to show herself (hopefully in the next couple of days as so over waiting), then on CD2-6 I take clomid 50mg, then on CD7 or 8 go in to see the FS to have an ultrasound and start the FSH injections. I am guessing that it depends on how long it takes for the follies to be ready to how many days I have to do the injections for. I continue to go in for B/T's and U/S to check on my progress. When the follies are 18mm (and no more than 3 or they will cancel the cycle) I have to have a trigger shot of HCG. As DH has no issues, our FS is getting us to go home and DTD (sorry TMI) that night or next morning. After that it is a TWW to see it has worked or not, it does.

    Anyway, sorry for babbling on a bit, but was just wondering how you guys have found the whole process. I have been having some wierd dreams about the whole process which is making me stress out a little.
    Last edited by lilminion; August 9th, 2010 at 12:10 PM.
  15. LT TTC with IUI #6


    Welcome Epayne,

    Well so far my experience with IUI has not been too bad. I had Femara for 5 days then went in for a scan on day 10, then today (day 13) I went back for another scan. My follie was a whopping 21mm which is great. They gave me a trigger shot then we went back this afternoon for the insemination.

    The only bad news is that DH's sperm was down to 3 million after all the washing. They did it anyway because as they say "it only takes 1" but have said that if this is not successful my dr will recommend IVF. We always new IVF was a possibility so not surprised, I am just not looking forward to those drugs.

    How is everyone else doing?
  16. LT TTC with IUI #6


    Smile hi nellym

    Hi nelly, i hope all goes well,iam guessing if your follies are at a good size and u still havent had a surge they will just give u a trigger shot... Good luck..i just read your last post..hope all goes well...fingers crossed....

    Welcome LadyLuck,

    I go back for another scan tomorrow and hopefully the insemination, I am getting quite excited. However I haven't had a surge yet, but they did say that I might never get one because of my PCOS. so not sure what will happen there.
    Last edited by ladyluck; August 9th, 2010 at 09:07 PM.
  17. LT TTC with IUI #6


    Hello Epayne, Just wanted to say good luck, and dont stress out. I had the dreams and the fear of the unknown, and all of the what ifs and maybies..The whole process is very easy and iam sure your IVF team will look after you..The injections get easier each time u do one, i am on day 6 and have 7 days of injections and then off for my scan. Just keep yourself busy..Goodluck
  18. LT TTC with IUI #6


    Thanks LandyLuck and Nellym, I guess I'm just antious cause I am still waiting for AF to show so I can start the whole process. Hopefully she starts in the next day or two.

    Goodluck Nellym with your TWW, my fingers are crossed for you to have a BFP and you won't have to worry about doing IVF.