N2L, Emma and Sarah. The friday was the first day i tested and the line was light but there. Two days later the line was darker but still not as dark as the other line.
Sorry lots been happening in here. I have some reading to do and then I'll be back to post again.
Thanks for the hugs girls...
I found out today that my 2 embies made it into the freezer, so at least I have something to look forward too
I consoled myself with retail therapy today
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Yay for embies making it to the freezer.
So sorry to hear that a couple of you are having a rough time in the tww. Hugs. Thinking of you all.
Yay Emma!! That's awesome news hun
Sarah, massive hugs hun. I hope next time you'll have lots more luck
AFM, boobies are getting sorer, can't work out if it's the crinone or not. Have been using it since almost a week ago but only started to notice the soreness now. Cramping on and off. I really want to skip testing until Sunday, God give me strength, it's so addictive peeing on that stick! Hell, I'd pee on it just for the sake of peeing on it, lol. Oh, and the thrush is still driving me insane
another BFN for me i wish there was something i could do more, This is so hard.
Big big big big Sarah
So sorry to hear that Sarah, lots of hugs sweetie xox
New thread time everyone.
LTTTC Two Week Wait 2012 # 5