Welcome to LT TTC & Assisted Conception - Please Read before Posting

thread: Welcome to LT TTC & Assisted Conception - Please Read before Posting

  1. Welcome to LT TTC & Assisted Conception - Please Read before Posting


    Welcome to LT TTC & Assisted Conception - Please Read before Posting

    Hello and welcome to the BellyBelly Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception Forum.

    Your Moderators of this forum are:

    Lenny - Moderator
    Nothing2Lose - Moderator

    Your Administrator of this forum is Rouge. You can contact her by email or if you prefer one of the moderators.

    Moderating Team Contact Details

    If at any time you'd like to make a suggestion (which we always welcome!), provide any feedback for this forum or make a complaint, please contact her by email or if you prefer one of the moderators.

    We appreciate all your feedback as it does help to make our forums a much happier, relaxed place to chat! Your comments will be taken seriously and treated with confidentiality, so please feel free to contact us anytime!

    Best wishes to all of those who are going through a long & complicated TTC journey. We hope to see lots of BFPs soon.

    You might also like to check out the Conception Articles on the main site of BellyBelly. New articles are added every month or two.
    Last edited by Astrolady; April 18th, 2014 at 12:16 PM. : updating
  2. Welcome to LT TTC & Assisted Conception - Please Read before Posting



    Just a reminder to everyone who posts in the LTTTC/AC forums that there is an extra need for sensitivity when contributing to these forums.

    The internet can sometimes make messages come across the wrong way, or insensitively, causing hurt and frustration to other members, because internet communication is the written word rather than face to face. There isn't the value of the spoken word with internet communication. So please be very mindful of not only what you post, but also the way in which you phrase your posts.

    BellyBelly's forums all demand a lot of support, understanding and kindness, but specifically this is even more of a necessity in LTTTC/AC. The frustrations of LTTTC/AC along with hormones and meds means that everyone is understandably very sensitive, and this really needs to be a place of positive support - be careful if you are ever tempted to use sarcasm or humour, as even with the best intentions, these messages can be read as very hurtful.

    Please find following some updated guidelines for the LT forums. Please read them carefully, and should you wish to discuss the content of this post with me, please feel free to contact one of the moderators of this forum.

    LT Vent Forum: This forum will be restricted to those who are LT TTC only. If a member becomes pregnant, their membership to the forum will be removed. If the member starts to TTC again, they are encouraged to resubmit their application for membership. This is to allow the members who are still TTC to vent without fear offending anyone. This is effective immediately.

    LTAC Forum: this forum is for women who have gone through many cycles of AC/IVF. It is a 'veteran's' forum, and there is a great need for sensitivity when posting there. There is also now a seperate forum for Donor Conception. There are specific guidelines that relate to the LTAC forum, please read them HERE.

    LTTTC: this thread is for anyone who has been trying to conceive for longer than 12 months, and includes anyone who has recently started trying with the aid of medical intervention. However, we have a seperate thread for anyone (no matter how long you've been trying) who are using Clomid/Metformin.

    LT Trying to Conceive with IUI This is a thread for anyone that has been trying to concieve for longer than 12 months and is specifically using the IUI method to conceive.

    LTTTC Support Group: this is a forum in the Social Groups area where topics are raised on the emotional side of LTTTC. LT posters are welcome to join and can apply by PM any of the LT moderators for membership. It can be found here. The format is slightly different to the normal forums and is a continual discussion with new discussion questions regularly raised.

    As a LTer myself, I can assure you that it is a celebration indeed when a LTer finally falls pg, and it is very common for someone in those early stages of pregnancy to not wish to leave the support and familiarity of their LT discussion group. But please be aware that you may have been cycling with someone who did not get their longed-for BFP and to see your progress can sometimes be heart-wrenching.

    However, we do understand that falling pg after LTTTC has challenges all its own, and it is in recognition of this that we encourage you to join the Pregnancy after LTTTC forum, where you will be able to obsess with women who have BTDT, while still being sensitive to the very people in the LT forums who supported you.

    Recommending Fertility Specialists or IVF Clinics: Finally, can we ask that if you are asking for recommendations for Fertility Specialists or IVF clinics, that you put in your request for other members to respond to you in the form of a PM. If you are a member that does not have access to PM, and you are happy to be contacted privately via email, please put this in your post and a Moderator will try to help out.

    If you have been removed from the LT Vent thread and feel that you should still have access as you are still TTC, please email nothing2lose or Lenny. I have removed members who had been inactive for a long period of time as well.
    Last edited by Lenny; April 24th, 2014 at 12:39 PM. : Updated again
  3. Welcome to LT TTC & Assisted Conception - Please Read before Posting


    As we've recently had an influx of new members, I thought this might be a good time to bump this thread so everyone is aware of the guidelines for the LT forums.
  4. Welcome to LT TTC & Assisted Conception - Please Read before Posting


    Please make yourself aware of the LTTTC guidelines above especially if you are new to the forum

    LTers and those undergoing AC can have much in the way of history to add to their signature, however you will still need to adhere to Belly Belly's signature guidelines on the number of lines, font size, tickers, images etc that can be included. Please ensure you are aware of the Signature & Ticker guidelines and amend your signature as required.

    Last edited by Lenny; June 24th, 2011 at 03:03 PM.
  5. Welcome to LT TTC & Assisted Conception - Please Read before Posting


    Please make yourself aware of the LTTTC guidelines above especially if you are new to the forum

    Last edited by onthefly; May 27th, 2010 at 01:48 PM.
  6. Welcome to LT TTC & Assisted Conception - Please Read before Posting


    Can everyone please have a read or re-read of the first couple of posts in here to remind (and re-remind) yourselves of the sensitivities and rules about posting and including length of signatures in the LTTTC forum area.

    Last edited by onthefly; May 27th, 2010 at 01:48 PM.
  7. Welcome to LT TTC & Assisted Conception - Please Read before Posting


    Changes to signature guidelines in LT TTC

    Based on the results of a poll for members participating in the LT TTC forums, we are altering our signature guidelines for this area.

    All signatures acceptable
    From now on we will not be asking anyone to turn off their own tickers. However, if you find tickers or signatures upsetting, we suggest that you disable all signatures in your control panel.

    Disabling all signatures
    To do this you will need to go into Settings (located in the top right corner of the screen between My Profile and Log Out), from there you will see on the left hand side a list of options, under My Account you will see General Settings.

    If you select General Settings it will take you to a screen which will show settings for the following: Login & Privacy, Messaging & Notification, Thread Display Options, Date & Time Options and Miscellaneous.

    If you go to Thread Display Options you will see a box that will be ticked called "Show Signatures" if you uncheck this box you will no longer see any signatures on any posts. From here you can also disable Avatars if, for example, Pregnancy Avatars are upsetting to you.

    We hope you find this change to be helpful to all. And if you do have any problems or can't find how to disable signatures please contact a Moderator or Admin directly for assistance.
    Last edited by onthefly; May 27th, 2010 at 01:53 PM.