Any medical personnel around?

thread: Any medical personnel around?

  1. Any medical personnel around?


    Any medical personnel around?

    I need to speak to someone with medical knowledge URGENTLY

  2. Any medical personnel around?


    1800 022 222
  3. Any medical personnel around?


    You okay?
  4. Any medical personnel around?


    No, it's a hypothetical question that I don't wanna ask publicly.
  5. Any medical personnel around?


    If you think I can help...Feel free to PM me...
  6. Any medical personnel around?


    Letus know when you are, else you know we'll all worry our guts out about you No specifics, just a "crisis averted" is alright
  7. Any medical personnel around?


    I am a Rn if you wanna pm me?
  8. Any medical personnel around?


    Sorry PZ, I didn't see your post - I'm fine, I'm with people, just need an answer to a medication question.