I've been making a concerted effort to drink more water, I'm drinking at least 2L per day now. For the last week or so though, I've had a constant fullness feeling in my abdomen, and dark urine, like I'm not drinking enough water.
The only liquid I drink is water, sometimes it'll have lemon/cucumber/mint in it as well.
Any clues?
:December 12th, 2011 09:37 AM
Are you taking any vitamins?
:December 12th, 2011 09:40 AM
Eaten any smurfs lately?
Sorry hun, the only thing I know that does that is meds/multi's and diet.
Could it have been the meds from last week?
:December 12th, 2011 09:55 AM
Nope, no vitamins.
I guess it could be, it started around the same time, but with that much water I wouldn't think they'd still be in my system...
:December 12th, 2011 10:00 AM
Keike it could be your body detoxing still. It takes a little while...
If you have symptoms of a uti or anything id go to the gp and get it checked.