Short of breath
thread: Short of breath
November 27th, 2011 08:06 PM
November 27th, 2011 08:24 PM
I would go and get it checked out simply because it sounds like it's a bit distressing for you, and the gp may be able to give you something to help. Also, it's been ten days, you should be feeling significantly better, not getting a fresh crop of sensations, kwim?
November 27th, 2011 08:39 PM
Thanks Marydean, and I know that's exactly the advice I would give someone else but I'm not very good at taking my own advice . I'm fairly keen not to go to the GP tomorrow because I'll have my twins with me and it's just no fun sitting in the waiting room with them. I guess I was hoping someone would pop up and say "oh yes, I had the same thing and the SOB lasted 12 days then went away" I might go on Tuesday then, if I still feel like this
November 27th, 2011 08:56 PM
Sorry hon, I'd say get thee to a go too. There is a virus going around at the moment that takes a bit to get over. But everyone I know who go it ended up with secondary infections. So best go get it checked any way.
In the mean time, how have you felt after a steaming shower?
Also, us there a history of heart conditions in your family?
November 27th, 2011 09:01 PM
Showers do help, but only really whilst I am in there. I haven't been concerned about it until last night when I was at a wedding, and when I came off the dance floor and was coughing one of my friends from uni looked very distressed at how short of breath I was. Then today I was having lying down and one of the twins lay next to me with their arm across my chest and I couldn't breath at all which wasn't very nice. But honestly most of the time I am fine, just this feeling of a heavy chest. I really don't think I have an infection and I don't want to waste the GP's time for him to tell me that.
November 28th, 2011 07:41 AM
Go to the doctor. Infections can damage the heart. It may just be congestion but it might be something else.
Have you measured your blood pressure?
November 28th, 2011 08:44 AM
Can someone look after your twins today or this evening for you so u can get checked ?
The heavy chest doesn't sit well with me especially lying with your child cuddling u on the bed . Have u pain anywhere in your chest back arms face neck ? Sorry I'm not meaning to scare u ok but I would be getting checked out .
November 28th, 2011 09:04 AM
Have made an appointment for later today
November 28th, 2011 09:11 AM
PS My blood pressure is fine (120/75), I have no other pain, and there is no history of heart conditions in my family. I don't want you guys to worry but I appreciate your advice
November 28th, 2011 02:59 PM
Doc says it's just a virus, and I should be over it in a few days
November 28th, 2011 04:30 PM
glad it's just a virus. Hope you do get over it quickly.
And never feel guilty about going to see a GP. If you need medical advice, you need medical advice. You don't have to be dead or dying to go! And it is always much much better to go and be checked out than having things progress into something more sinister!
And hon, if you've been sick and then jumped on the dance floor - of course you'll be more out of breath than normal! You're body is trying to recuperate and then you put it under more stress! LOL Your body is probably saying "LAY OFF WOMAN!"
December 3rd, 2011 01:18 PM
So it's a week later (almost) and I am still not over this. I just had a coughing fit that if it didn't end I think I would have passed out, I couldn't breathe at all I'm embarrassed to go back to my GP though after getting the brush off last time. How long before I can reasonably go back and ask for further investigation? Or rather how long before I should stop feeling like this? Doc has told me not to take ventolin but I am doing it anyway, it's the only thing that helps.
December 3rd, 2011 01:28 PM
Time to go back to GP. If it still hasn't gone it's time to push it more with him/her. I know the feeling with the cough.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk so sorry if I'm confusing you
December 3rd, 2011 01:43 PM
Definitely go back. Or just go straight for a second opinion. Often seeing a different dr at the same practice is good because they can review your notes but you get the benefit of a different viewpoint.
December 3rd, 2011 01:51 PM
A virus can take 2-3 weeks to really leave the system but I would expect some sort of improvement over that time. It sounds to me like you have had no improvement at all though. Which leads me to say... go back to the Dr. I agree with MD about considering a second opinion by another Dr in the same clinic. The fact you were given the brush off last time says more about the poor attitude of the Dr though.
Please don't be embarrassed though - if you're unwell, you're unwell. And if the GP is a jerk... well, there's no remedy for that I'm afraid... Go back. Explain how you're feeling, how much it is impacting on your life.
December 3rd, 2011 02:04 PM
Thanks ladies, that's what I was thinking. There is a GP at uni on Wednesdays so I will make an appointment to see him instead.
December 3rd, 2011 06:14 PM
Can I ask why you shouldnt use ventolin? I also have a shocking cough that seems to be getting worse and ventolin was the only thing that calmed it enough for me to sleep last night.
December 3rd, 2011 06:29 PM
because I have no wheeze so it's not asthma, and also because ventolin is making my heart race. However this is the same doctor that when I was tired all the time, immidiately dismissed any notions that I might be stressed or depressed because, and I quote "you are in Australia now, and Australia is better than UK, yes?"