Something is wrong with me (a bit TMI)

thread: Something is wrong with me (a bit TMI)

  1. Something is wrong with me (a bit TMI)


    Something is wrong with me (a bit TMI)

    Since Thursday I have barely eaten anything. I felt off all day, nauseous and cramps in my stomach, got home from work and promptly threw up. Pains in my tum all night off and on, felt sick all day Friday, no more throwing up but still pains...

    Ate very little, thought I was coming good, Sat morning went to a brunch BBQ and managed to eat an egg and bacon roll, then had to drag the fam home as I was feeling nauseous again.

    Felt yuk all evening and then started from the other end if you get my drift

    Today I have eaten nothing... But I keep burping egg. Why would the egg from yesterday still be in my system??? Esp considering the runs I've had?!

    Something isn't right

    Can gastro hang around this long?

    Please don't mention HPTs. There is no chance of that so please don't say anything along those lines.
  2. Something is wrong with me (a bit TMI)



    sucks that your sick. I dont really have any answers..have you had a temperature? just please take care of yourself and I hope you get well soon. xox
  3. Something is wrong with me (a bit TMI)



    Poor you
    My daughter has just had gastro on and off for almost 5 days, just when we thought it was over, we were off to the loo again.......
    My son and i have had it, presumably caught from her, but we have only had 24 hour.
    Just affects people different ways I guess.
    Hope you are feeling better soon,
  4. Something is wrong with me (a bit TMI)


    Thanks T, no fevers just the horrible tummy.

    BF, thanks hun, sorry to hear your DD had something for 5 days!!! Poor love. My two have both had something - DD threw up last night and DS has had diarrhea today really hope they are over it by tomorrow...

    Hate it when they are sick and you are sick too... Makes it so much harder...
  5. Something is wrong with me (a bit TMI)


    DH recently had an inflammation in the bowel that gave nasty symptoms, bad pains etc. if you are still unwell tomorrow please get checked out.

    take care
  6. Something is wrong with me (a bit TMI)


    I have had gastro hang around that long - and I was burping egg even though hadn't eaten egg. I went to doc on day 5 but they didn't really suggest anything apart from to come back if hadn't cleared up by about 8 days - of course it cleared up the next day. What I had did come and go too - would think over it and then would come back.
  7. Something is wrong with me (a bit TMI)


    We all had this at the end of Sept. It went through all of us and then went back through us all again. All up we had it on & off for about a month. You need to make sure everything is OTT clean. We wash our hands with anti bacterial hand wash anyway but we used hand sanitiser constantly. We used bleach in the toilet every night and used way too many cans of Glen 20. Apparently the virus is Giardia.

    (Sent from my phone, so I apologise if it makes no sense.)
  8. Something is wrong with me (a bit TMI)


    Thanks guys... Interesting someone else has been burping egg too!

    HotI, thanks, I will. Don't think I could work like this anyway...

    Lisa thanks for the tip, might need to go invest in some different hand wash and bits and pieces...
  9. Something is wrong with me (a bit TMI)


    It sounds like a nasty bug hun. I hope you feel better soon, lots of hugs xoxox
  10. Something is wrong with me (a bit TMI)


    I know i have gastro when i have that eggy burp

    Hope you feel better soon. Gastro is awful.
  11. Something is wrong with me (a bit TMI)


    You can also get a dettol wash that goes in with your laundry detergent, to help kill things off and sanitise.
  12. Something is wrong with me (a bit TMI)


    DF has recently had a bacteria infection in his digestive system - he was really unwell for a few days before we decided it must be something other than gastro. Especially when it didn't spread to DD or myself.

    He was put on two very strong antibiotics to make sure he was covered for whatever it could be and he has only started feeling himself again today - 4 days after starting antibiotics!

    I hope it eases up for you. I hate being sick!!!

    **Sent from my phone using Tapatalk.
  13. Something is wrong with me (a bit TMI)


    Sounds like a really nasty tummy bug but I would get checked out tomorrow if you aren't better. Just to be on the safe side.

    I know you probably don't feel like it but have you been drinking much water? Even a sports drink might be a good idea just to restore some of your electrolites.

    Also, if you have the runs still and it is like water, it might be a good idea to get something like Imodium or to talk to your doctor about it tomorrow. Apparently if it is really severe it can cause a syphon effect in your bowel and you can get really dehydrated really quickly. If you get a splitting headache in the next day or two (or if you already have one), it can be a sign that your body needs fluids. If you can't keep fluids down or in your system, you might need to see a doctor too.

    I really hope you are feeling better soon
  14. Something is wrong with me (a bit TMI)


    Thanks so much everyone... I've just managed to eat some toast... See how that goes...
  15. Something is wrong with me (a bit TMI)


    Ds had the on again off again gastro about 18mts ago... turned out to be Rota Virus as this is the pattern it follows. A day or two of gastro, up to a day of feeling ok, then back to gastro again.

    Hope it clears soon for you!
  16. Something is wrong with me (a bit TMI)


    Hope it stays down/in OP.

    Stick with really starchy carbs, plain pasta, potato, steamed rice. And reintroduce fluids slowly.
  17. Something is wrong with me (a bit TMI)


    I feel for you hun

    I had it a few months back and I would feel over it for 12 hours and then start again. It lasted 5-7 days for me.

    Hope you are all back to good health soon.
  18. Something is wrong with me (a bit TMI)


    have not read all responses, but I'd be asking your Dr about whether you might have giardia (sp...???). It's nasty and sounds like you're describing, but easily treated.

    otherwise, there have been a few nasty stomach flus going around ...

    or an infection in your gut?

    stay hydrated hun - I hope you're feeling good as new soon xo