So I used MCNs with DS for two years and did not have one stained nappy. I'm using them again now with DD and in 8 weeks she has stained every single nappy, liner and booster!
They are/were both fully BFed I'm not taking any meds neither is she, I'm at a loss as to why her poo seems so potent and stains, and also need advice on how to get the stains out.
I wash the same way I did with DS, every 1-2 days with either bicarb or soap nuts. It is winter so there's not a lot of sun at the moment, but we went through winter with DS too
I can't believe every one of the nappies are stained
Any advice welcome, I have BBH multi fits, bamboo prefolds, and some Chinese cheapies. The ittis are still too big so haven't used them yet and not looking forward to any more in case the poo destruction continues lol I just love my MCNs