Ok, so not actually nappies.....

thread: Ok, so not actually nappies.....

  1. Ok, so not actually nappies.....


    Ok, so not actually nappies.....

    but boob pads and I figure they're made of similar material?

    We have recently gone through a (really) rough feeding patch and in short, my nipples are currently shredded and bleeding, so have been using lansinoh by the bucket load. Problem is, my breast pads are all now stained with the lansinoh, in what looks like a dark smudgy patch. Any ideas on what to wash them in? I've tried just the basics like napisan preen sprays etc.

    I'd buy more but I can't find any that I LOVE


  2. Ok, so not actually nappies.....


    Re: Ok, so not actually nappies.....

    I've got no idea, I'm sorry When I had my crappy feeding stage I went through so much lansinoh, and it ruined my breast pads. They're still stained. The only thing I had going for me is that I didn't really need them anymore anyway, they just stopped the lansinoh getting on my clothes.
  3. Ok, so not actually nappies.....


    Re: Ok, so not actually nappies.....

    what about dishwashing liquid and a toothbrush? It's designed to disperse oil.
  4. Ok, so not actually nappies.....


    Re: Ok, so not actually nappies.....

    Try what Kim said then wash a few times in hot water. Or could try a bit of eucalyptus oil with a bit of vinegar.
  5. Ok, so not actually nappies.....


    Re: Ok, so not actually nappies.....

    I was wondering whether velvet soap would do the same thing.