raw silk liners

thread: raw silk liners

  1. raw silk liners


    raw silk liners

    I made a few raw silk rectangles to use as mcn liners when DD has nappy rash.

    1. Do I still use zinc cream with the silk liners? (I have found the rash appears outside the area of the liner)
    2. How do I wash the silk liners, with and without zinc cream?
    3. Is there any occasion when you wouldn't use silk liners?


  2. raw silk liners


    anyone use silk liners??
  3. raw silk liners


    No I don't but it's a great idea for sensitive skin. I found some MCN would spark rashes more than others and just avoided those.

    As for zinc products and silk I would try on some scrap and see. Just slather it on the scrap then pop it in with your normal MCN wash and see what happens. I imagine some eucalyptus oil might help shift any build up (I have a wool wash with eucalyptus oil I use for silks and its great).
  4. raw silk liners


    I bought some recently but they didn't really help with the rash. I tried some Burt's Bees (which has zinc) with them and I couldn't wash it off!
  5. raw silk liners


    Hmm, yes I'm having trouble washing out the cream. Might try another 'delicates' soap.