Natural Family Planning?

thread: Natural Family Planning?

  1. Natural Family Planning?


    Natural Family Planning?

    Anyone else practice this? I want to go off the pill as I think it is messing with me and I would like to go chemical free for a while. DH and I would like to TTC mid next year for 4th and final baby, after which he will get a vasectomy. But I don't want to stay on the pill for that does anyone have experience with this method of contraception? I do have a fair idea of how it works...just want to hear some thoughts, get a bit of feedback!
  2. Natural Family Planning?


    Yes, I like you had had enough of the pill. I used the Billings method. It uses the charting of cervical mucus to predict ovulation. We are quite fertile and therefore I think a good judge of if it works. I have been pregnant now 6 times each time on purpose. I used the billings method for over a year with no surprises. At first it was a little odd and now it is easy I don't even give it a second thought. I felt empowered I was in control of my fertility. Your husband must be on board as there are some days that are off limits. After I got good at noticing my signs we did use condoms during fertile times but in the beginning it can confuse things. I used an online coaching site They charge a fee but I found my online tutor so helpful I will be joining up as soon as I deliver because you can use it breastfeeding but it is a little different.
  3. Natural Family Planning?


    Yep I've used it for 4 years now. There is an excellent book called Natural Fertility by Francesa Naish which goes through natural fertility management (NFM) in detail for both contraception and conception purposes. I would suggest picking up a copy and doing some research to see if it is for you. I think it's great and as a result of using NFM fell pregnant first month with our DD as you really do become very in tune with your body and your cycle.

    If you google Natural Fertility Management Francesca's site will come up. It's got heaps of great info.

    Good luck with it.
  4. Natural Family Planning?


    I used NFP (Billings/Persona monitor) for nearly 3 years with no surprises. BUT, then i got a surprise

  5. Natural Family Planning?


    Thanks for your responses! I am definitely going to look more into it...Mind you, I should tell DH first!
  6. Natural Family Planning?


    Good luck!!! It's worked for me and DH for 2 years. There is a book called "the billings method" by evelyn billings Just gotta stick to the rules