Fetal Fibronectin

thread: Fetal Fibronectin

  1. Fetal Fibronectin


    Fetal Fibronectin

    Just wondering if anyone else has had this test performed and what was the outcome

    I had the test done when I went to hospital at 34 weeks and the result was negative. 18 hours later I delivered DD2

  2. Fetal Fibronectin


    I haven't had it done personally but I have seen it done a number of times ( between 5-10) as I am a midwife.
    I've never seen anyone deliver soon after a negative result, but its not 100% guarentee, I think its 95% or something. Come to think of it I don't think I've seen a positive result from it but I haven't seen heaps.
    Where you in an appropriate hospital to have a 34 weeker?
  3. Fetal Fibronectin


    Fetal Fibronectin

    No was my local hospital. After a speedy birth we transferred to another hospital
  4. Fetal Fibronectin


    Fetal Fibronectin

    My sil had it done around the same time and it was apparently positive. She ended up being induced on her edd because her ob was a twat and she was impatient.

    From what i have read its one of those tests that is pretty much useless ><;
  5. Fetal Fibronectin


    I was told that if it's negative, it's negative. But there are false positives.
    I had it done at 31w, and DD was delivered by planned c/s at 34w.
  6. Fetal Fibronectin


    Fetal Fibronectin

    That was the impression everyone gave me to
  7. Fetal Fibronectin


    Fetal Fibronectin

    I had it done at 33+5 and was positive. Got relaxants & steroids and had her very quickly at 34+2, so correct for me!