Hello, I was wondering if someone could offer a little help...
My brother's boyfriend's (JM) son's girlfriend (sorry if that was a bit confusing haha) was around 28 weeks pregnant and had to have a c-sec today due to problems with the placenta and heavy bleeding, baby boy is a tiny 12 ounces.. As far as I know, aside from obviously being very early and small, he is otherwise healthy and fine, but JM is very worried that his grandson wont be around for very long due to his earlyness and small size.
I want to try and offer him some words of comfort etc, so I was wondering if anyone has/knows of anyone who has had a 28ish week prem birth and roughly how long bub could stay in NICU and some good-news stories, just to put his mind at ease?
At the moment JM is 4.5 hours away from where his son and the mum and bub are and due to work he cant get there just yet, and the poor guy is too scared to ask for a photo as he is scared to see all the machines bub will likely be hooked up to..
TIA and sorry if any of that was a bit confusing!