Need help with my BabyLove Pram...

thread: Need help with my BabyLove Pram...

  1. Need help with my BabyLove Pram...


    Red face Need help with my BabyLove Pram...

    Ok.... I need some help.
    I scored me a stroller today! Very happy with my oppy shoppy bargain! $35!!
    Ok, so its a Babylove 3 wheeler. I think its called Ario? Thats what it says on the foot rest anyway.
    So when I was looking the bloke at the Salvo's folded it up for me, showing me how. Thats where my problems starts, lol.
    I can't get it open again! I swear I've tried every button & lever! What am I missing???

  2. Need help with my BabyLove Pram...


  3. Need help with my BabyLove Pram...


    Can you google it and see if you can get instructions ?

    Goodluck - very frustrating !
  4. Need help with my BabyLove Pram...


    From memory I think I had to turn the turny thing on the handle and open it at the same time.
  5. Need help with my BabyLove Pram...


    I got it
  6. Need help with my BabyLove Pram...

