BFN AF 3 days late

thread: BFN AF 3 days late

  1. BFN AF 3 days late


    BFN AF 3 days late

    Hi, I'm on CD 31 my period was due on CD 28 (however I was expecting it earlier as my last cycle was 26 days). I seem to be experiencing the same pregnancy symptoms I did with my son, but each morning I've tested I've gotten a negative.
    I'm wondering if it might be too early to test positive? I should be 16 dpo. Maybe it implanted later?
    I am thinking of going to the road or a blood test either tomorrow (CD 32) or Monday (CD 35) for a blood test.
    Anyone gotten a BFP after an early BFN

  2. BFN AF 3 days late


    *going to the doctor for a blood test not the road
  3. BFN AF 3 days late


    Not sure but my sister is in the exact same boat ( down to last cycle being 26 days, usually 28 and now on cd31, also has a son, are you sure you aren't my sister actually??!!)
    She is getting bfns too, will have to wait and see I guess.
    Her son has suddenly started refusing to bf which made me suss too, but still getting bfns, weird.

    Hope you get one or the other soon!
  4. BFN AF 3 days late


    Oh my goodness Saffy!! I can't believe your sister and I are going through EXACTLY the same thing even down to the short previous cycles! Except my son is still happily breastfeeding, they do say that the taste of your milk changes during pregnancy.

    I will make a drs appointment for tomorrow. I spent most of this morning trying not to throw up, so if I'm not pregnant there is something wrong (or it's all in my head )

    Let me know how your sister goes. I hope she finds out either way soon
  5. BFN AF 3 days late


    I know so funny, I had to check your profile to make use it wasn't my sister lol but she doesn't live in Brisbane.

    Wow if you are nearly throwing up, there surely must be a reason. I have heard of people not getting bfps on a hpt but it's unusual.

    I just texted my sister to see if her af had come but haven't heard back. Hope you are pregnant!
  6. BFN AF 3 days late


    She did get af :-( oh well, good luck to you, hopefully the dr can sort it out!
  7. BFN AF 3 days late


    Thanks Saffy, I'm hoping I'm pregnant.
  8. BFN AF 3 days late


    Oh I'm sorry your sister didn't get a bfp
  9. BFN AF 3 days late


    Now i am getting some very light spotting. Sorry for the TMI we DTD last night and it started after that. The spotting is very light ie peach coloured.

    I got another BFN negative this morning and I am still planning on going to the doctors.
  10. BFN AF 3 days late


    So AF arrived today. It seems my periods are quite irregular so I need to go for blood tests to check my hormone levels etc in a few weeks
  11. BFN AF 3 days late


    Sorry to hear, guess the tests are right. All the best for next month x