Comparison of OPK tests today

thread: Comparison of OPK tests today

  1. Comparison of OPK tests today


    Comparison of OPK tests today

    So I got a positive OPK test on my cheapo internet ones ovunow and lullaby brands they both show up with test line slightly lighter than test line despite the packaging saying that they needed to have a line as dark or darker. Have been having cramps since last night and they both immediately had a test line as soon as I put wee on the strips unlike any other day. So I then checked with the clearblue digital one I have left from last pregnancy and yup it is a smiley face (positive result). So I am wondering if I am the only one who might like some photos of these on line so we can see and compare results (see how dark the line really is). When I pulled the clearblue strip out of reader its test line was lighter than control line (same as others). I am going to try to post a pic so you guys can all see the cheapos are just as accurate as the ones I paid a fortune for (last pregnancy....these are the remaining tests as I got pregnant straight away last time).

  2. Comparison of OPK tests today


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  3. Comparison of OPK tests today


    I might be wrong but I'm sure the digital ones actually test slightly different and pulling out the strip and checking the lines means bugger all. At least that is definitely the case with the digital pregnancy tests. Might be worth googling it a bit first, I could be wrong. I'm a huge fan of the digital ones though (I've been posting a lot in these threads and NO, I don't work for them, LOL!) as there is no guess work at all. Yep, they are expensive though.

    After a bit of googling, I think I found what I was thinking of (below). This info is from the 'pee on a stick' website. It looks like both the digital OPK's and pregnancy test actually test for other hormones as well, hence why they are more accurate and more expensive.

    14. How is an OPK different from the Clearblue Fertility Monitor? OPK's measure only one hormone, luteinizing hormone (LH.) They are a yes/no diagnostic device ("qualitative") and will tell you only if your LH is surging (which means ovulation may happen within 12-36 hours.)

    The Clearblue Fertility Monitor is a digital device which "reads" test sticks. The test sticks measure LH, but unlike OPK's, also measure estrogen, another girl hormone-- estrogen also rises prior to ovulation, usually a day or two before LH surges. Therefore, the Fertility Monitor ("FM") can detect more subtle changes in your fertility. The digital device reads "Low" (both LH and estrogen are low), "High," (estrogen is increasing, LH is increasing but not yet surging), and "Peak" (LH is surging and estrogen is high.)

    While the point of the FM is to allow the device/computer to read the sticks (it has a "memory" and "learns" your cycles), it is possible to read the sticks with the naked eye (for the most part.) With the wick (pee end) on the left, the LH line is on the left, and estrogen on the right. Interestingly, the estrogen line gets lighter when estrogen increases; the LH line gets darker when LH increases.
  4. Comparison of OPK tests today


    Hi there Taurean,

    Thanks for that but I dont have a digital fertility monitor. I have a Digital Ovulation Prediction Test. What you said there explains that the device learns the cycles. That isnt correct with this. I brought the digital thingo and it comes with 5 tests and after that you cannot buy more tests you have to buy the whole kit again so it would not be "learning" my cycles at all. I think what you are referring to is a very expensive fertility monitor from recollection that is worn used month or something. I have seen them at the chemist and online. I'm not really sure.
  5. Comparison of OPK tests today


    Ooos, you're right! I just pasted it without thinking that the 'monitor' was the digital OPK! Sorry about that. I was sure the digital tests detected other hormones too but it seems that is only the case for the digital HPT.

    The ony thing I could find is that they are more sensitive than standard OPKs. Looks like you can get them overseas in a pack of 20 now. I'm going to see if I can get them through Amazon while the exchange rate isn't too bad.

    I'm still a fan regardless of the price as I love that there is no guess work at all. I tried some cheaper OPK's and it was too much hard work. I used the digital ones the month we fell pregnant with DD and as I was charting and therefore roughly knew my O date, I only used two strips.

    Sorry for all the confusion with my previous post. That fertility monitor sounds great though doesn't it!!
  6. Comparison of OPK tests today


    Totally!! Agree upon that. I did another test on both the digital and cheapos and my positive has gone now!! I wonder if we DTD yesterday and havent today what my chances would be of BFP.....Hubby is away now. DOH!! I feel awful today, bloated.sore tiummy, tired and like I am about to vomit. (sorry if TMI) I wonder if that is ov signs??
    I was reading my diary of last time and I had early pregnancy sympt 5 DPO. These were the symptoms I had last time. Who darn well knows.

    I have two girls, first one I just fell preg without trying really all that much first month and 2nd same thing, but I used OPK strips for something fun (I love tests). This time I decided to use them again (as still had some left over) not aiming for a boy or anything silly like that, quite happy with just another bubba whatever it may be just a healthy one.

    We had a high nuchal measurement with bubs two and she is perfectly fine so I hope this time I dont have anything scary like that.

    I say go for it with regards to the tests on amazon!!
  7. Comparison of OPK tests today


    Ooh, sounds like you could be in with a chance! I had an implantation bleed at 7 DPO so I was pretty certain I was UTD. I used the digital OPK's that month and we DTD 5 days before O and then the day I got my smiley face. DD arrived in September last year

    That's where the digital tests are so good, they are super sensitive and there is no guess work and when you only have a window of 12-24 hours then you really don't want to miss it!

    I had a look on Amazon and they were super cheap but they don't post to Australia. Bugger!
  8. Comparison of OPK tests today


    Well I seriously have absolutely no idea what is going on with my body. I have resorted to checking my cervix but even that has began to confuse me. I have not had a temp change since pos OPK test, cervix seems much the same I originally thought it was lower but I dont think it is, but it has sorta disappeared, but I can feel the dimple on it. And today this morning I felt as thought CM was dry to borderline creamy. Now this afternoon I have EWCM tinged with slight blood (appears possibly pinkish to brownish) sorry if TMI. Maybe that is an ov bleed? Or maybe I poked my cervix too much and made it bleed though it does not explain the EWCM globs which are mega stretchy and clear so maybe I am simply ov today in which case it would be too late with DTD Sunday. Hubby back this evening. I think I will make sure to BD just in case it is Ov. Sheesh, wasnt supposed to be this bloody confusing!!!! But in any case at least I have started my charting early so I know for next month. Have to try to think on the positive side!!

    Gosh I hope this follows your example. We DTD on the day I got the smiley face. So surely the spermies would live up there till now???

    What a pain about Amazon..... is there anywhere else you can try???
  9. Comparison of OPK tests today


    If you DTD the day you got your positive then you should be in with a good chance, that's when they say to do it! DTD after you positive O is a bit useless really, unless you just in the mood for a bit of random BDing!

    Have a look at Fertility Friend, lots of good info on there and you can chart your cycles too. I found it really helpful when we were TTC DD. Have you visited the TTC (trying to conceive) threads in here too? Lots of info and girls in the same position.

    I hope you get your BFP soon!!
  10. Comparison of OPK tests today


    Thanks for your advice. I finally had a temp rise this morning. Finally!! Was mega worried I wasnt ovulating for some strange reason. So that means I musta ovulated yesterday (weds) a full 3 days after my +OPK. Go figure. But I am happy. We BD the night before so now it is a waiting game I suppose. I keep waiting for some sign one way or the other....