Missed O or no O

thread: Missed O or no O

  1. Missed O or no O


    Missed O or no O


    I started using OPKS CD10 and am currently on CD28. I used an OPK everyday in the afternoon or evening. I never got a positive. I had two consecutive days with a very faint test line, def not a positive.
    I'm wondering if I may have missed my surge - could it have happened between the two faint test line days? Or maybe I didn't ovulate. I know that I don't ovulate every cycle and have irregular periods so not ovulating is very possible.
    Any insights would be appreciated
  2. Missed O or no O


    Re: Missed O or no O


    It's hard to tell. Is this your first cycle charting or using OPKs? How long is your cycle usually? Do you have PCOS or PCO? Did you experience any other signs of ovulation- for example do you chart your temperature or cervical fluid? How often per day did you use the OPK and at what time?

    You could have ovulated earlier and missed it. Or you may not have ovulated at all. Some factors, like having PCO/S mean the tests won't work - with polycystic ovaries for example you could get false positives. Also you probably know this but faint lines are a negative result for an OPK. It needs to be as dark as or darker than the control line.

    Hmm I'm not very helpful I'm afraid!
  3. Missed O or no O


    Missed O or no O

    It is my first cycle using OPKS. I don't take my BBT. My cycles are between 24-32 days. No PCOS or PCO. I do get what seems to be fertile CM around when I "should" ovulate. I was using the OPKs once a day between 2-6pm sometimes again later in the evening.
    Is fertile CM always clear? Mine is white, but seems to be the right Consistency.
    At the time I thought my body may have been gearing up for ovulation when I got the faint lines, but I didn't get any darker lines
    Maybe I did ovulate earlier than CD10. I was getting some cramping straight after my period had finished.
    Last edited by zodiac; January 24th, 2014 at 07:14 PM.
  4. Missed O or no O


    Re: Missed O or no O

    I've always had to test twice a day. Around 10am and 6pm otherwise I will miss the surge with the 24 hour gaps
  5. Missed O or no O


    Re: Missed O or no O

    Thanks @AlligatorMum I think I will need to do that next cycle.

    Thanks @Ladylove for your help
  6. Missed O or no O


    Re: Missed O or no O

    I ovulated every month but rarely did I get a super dark line so maybe I should have used 2 a day, but I took the faint line as a sign and DTD around the line & got my positive preggie test twice...goodluck!
  7. Missed O or no O


    Re: Missed O or no O

    Thanks Blackduckies. I'm going to order some more opks :-)