New to using OPKs - question

thread: New to using OPKs - question

  1. New to using OPKs - question


    New to using OPKs - question

    So this is my first cycle using First Response OPKs. Negatives on Thursday and Friday, but positives Saturday, Sunday, Monday and today. Testing at the same time (5pm), so that's 72 hours worth of positives.

    Is that weird?

  2. New to using OPKs - question


    Re: New to using OPKs - question

    I'm still tracking using opks to watch my cycle get back on track and hopefully fall quickly when we start trying again.
    I am into my 3rd day of super positive opks. I think it's normal. I don't know what day you actually ovulate though...
    Hopefully tomorrow it starts declining.
  3. New to using OPKs - question


    Re: New to using OPKs - question

    I hope so Peace, I'm starting to get a bit exhausted from DTD!
  4. New to using OPKs - question


    Re: New to using OPKs - question

    Lol! I bet.
    I have always counted the first positive as o day and I have gotten a bfp at 10 days past that first positive opk. So maybe it just takes a couple days for that hormone level to drop?
  5. New to using OPKs - question


    Re: New to using OPKs - question

    Another positive today, but the test line was slightly fainter than the control line, so hopefully that means levels are dropping.
  6. New to using OPKs - question


    Re: New to using OPKs - question

    Mine were matching. I've run out now so I'll assume the surge is dropping.