OPK and Timing
thread: OPK and Timing
January 13th, 2014 05:39 PM
January 13th, 2014 07:04 PM
Re: OPK and Timing
Sounds like you timed your bding perfectly to me! Good luck! Now the horrible TWW that feels like a lifetime...
January 14th, 2014 10:09 AM
Re: OPK and Timing
Thank you Peace! I hope so! It happened so easy last time without any OPKs etc but this time seems as though its going to be harder. I have been trying not to worry about potential damage from my d & c because we have only been trying for a few months but its hard!
Hate the tww too, its torture and how lovely is it when your mind starts playing tricks on you too! Ha ha
January 14th, 2014 09:47 PM
Re: OPK and Timing
An OPK will detect your LH surge. Once you see the first positive, it means you will likely O within 12-48hrs. Your egg is viable for 12-24hrs. I always got 2-3 days of +OPKs, so I guess my LH surge was long and slow. I would always start to DTD after the first positive.
How long have you been using the OPKs for this time?
January 14th, 2014 10:23 PM
Re: OPK and Timing
I started last Tuesday and got nothing all week then got faint line on Friday then strong dark line saturday back to faint sunday morning, even fainter yesterday and absolutely nothing today. I was testing twice a day and only got the strong positives on Saturday. So I am hoping we timed it right!!!
So now in the dreaded tww!!! :-/
January 15th, 2014 06:48 AM
Re: OPK and Timing
I was the same as you M. I thought I had a positive on CD12 but then the line was very dark CD13 and back to faint CD14. So I only got one days full positive. What time of day did you do them? I was doing them at lunchtime.
January 15th, 2014 08:41 AM
Re: OPK and Timing
I was doing them twice a day so I wouldnt miss it first at about 10 then an at about 5ish. I got strong positive in the morning Saturday and tgen again Saturday afternoon and gone by Sunday morning......