Now, normally I would just take two missed periods as a sign I was pregnant. I'm happy with not knowing early and just living life normally, just with some extra vitamin tablets.
But, a job has come up that I really want. My period is due on Wednesday, the deadline for applying is on Thursday. So I'll need to have applied by Weds night to post it through the letterbox.
Now, if I apply and can't take the job because I'm pregnant, I will have no job. Not good. If I don't apply but am not pregnant, I'll be upset. But then if I apply and have to not TTC for an extra couple of months I won't be thrilled either, but it will be worth it knowing that I don't have to stay where I am (but if I'm pregnant, I won't mind that as either way I'd be leaving in the summer, although going back after a long break, ideally 16 months).
I do have some HPTs in the house, so can test tomorrow morning - although one is near the use-by date as I got them for when I had a late period about 16 months ago. Then be in an even worse mood on Monday morning! So as I ovulated on the Tuesday 2 weeks ago, I'll be 13dpo on Monday, right? That's not too early, I think, but with a normal HPT (not the gazillion-pound "we might be able to tell you 3 days before your period, but don't count on it" test) will it give a decent result? Do I test with the older one or a newer one? Does it matter?
I've not done an HPT and got a positive before, so would like to know how best to get an accurate result. Any hints or tips? (Other than FMU and don't drink too much this evening, including no alcohol.)