When should I O?

thread: When should I O?

  1. When should I O?


    When should I O?

    I have a 30 day cycle and have been using Clearblue digital OPK's I'm CD 16 and still haven't got a positive result, can anyone tell me when I should possibly O? or have I missed it?
    Fertility friend says CD 17 but I thought this seems a bit late, any input?

  2. When should I O?


    Re: When should I O?

    Well a normal luteal phase is anywhere from 12 to 16 days so that would be O anywhere from CD14 to CD18, it's also possible to have a shorter LP. Do you have any idea what your LP is normally?
    Seems to me like you might not have missed it...?
    How often are you testing?
  3. When should I O?


    Re: When should I O?

    I think my LP is 13 days. I'm testing twice a day I tested with a different brand OPK this afternoon and got a strong positive
  4. When should I O?


    Re: When should I O?

    Well yes 13 day LP would mean Oing on CD17 so all looks good I reckon Good luck catching this egg!