Very sooky kitten

thread: Very sooky kitten

  1. Very sooky kitten


    Very sooky kitten

    Hi there!

    I am the very proud owner of a torty female kitty named Belle. She is approx 9 weeks old and I just had a question that I hoped you might have been able to help me with please.

    Belle has settled into our home really well (mmm actually she OWNS it!!) but in the last week she has gotten really sooky and cuddly. Dont get me wrong I absolutely adore her and dont know why it took us this long to get a kitty but I am worried I am doing something wrong.

    Do new kittens like to be cuddled alot? Sounds silly I know but I dont want to fail her as her mummy!!

    Thanks in advance - oh and does anyone else find that their kitty gets jealous of your partner? Belle 'protects' me every time DH comes near me - very cute
  2. Very sooky kitten


    kittens love to be cuddles heaps they want to be the centre of attention keep giving your kitten plenty of cuddles and time but also start teaching it the boundries aswell or it will end up ruling the house and you dont want that
  3. Very sooky kitten


    Thanks for the quick reply!!

    The cuddles arent bad - I actually love them but she whinges and whines when I put her down to actually do something! I am getting a bit harder with her otherwise I would never get anything done! DH gives her a stern talking to, shes learning still so I guess I will just ride it our for a while.

    Thanks again, Aries
  4. Very sooky kitten



    my cats both slept on my neck when I got them at the same age! Very very sooky though, it's a good thing. They just like getting warm and being with you. Definately set boundaries now though, unless you want an adult cat on your shoulder, then don't encourage that - I let one of my cats run around my desk and play as a kitten, and he still does that age 10 - and will pull pencils out of my hand as I write!

    Congrats on the new addition.