The Morning After Pill and Spotting

thread: The Morning After Pill and Spotting

  1. The Morning After Pill and Spotting


    The Morning After Pill and Spotting


    I'm wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience with the morning after pill.
    My last period started 30/12/2012 and I have a 31 day cycle which would have mean't I may have ovulated 16/1/2013. My husband and I DTD 18/1 and 19/1. I took the morning after pill approx 20hrs after DTD on 19/1.
    For the past three days about once a day I have noticed some pink discharge when I wipe (spotting?)
    My next period is due to start 30/1/2013.

    I'm a little paranoid I might be pregnant. It seems like we DTD very close to ovulation. could my slight spotting be implantation bleeding?

  2. The Morning After Pill and Spotting


    It could be. The only way to tell for sure is to wait it out or take a pregnancy test. I have never had the morning after pill so unsure if you can get bleeding from that.
  3. The Morning After Pill and Spotting


    You can get some bleeding with the morning after pill. It can also make AF early or late. However my spotting is so light, I was expecting Morning After Pill bleeding to be heavier
  4. The Morning After Pill and Spotting


    Is it possible you ovulated after you took the MA pill? Sperm can live for 3 or so days.
  5. The Morning After Pill and Spotting


    I guess it's possible
  6. The Morning After Pill and Spotting


    What would that mean
  7. The Morning After Pill and Spotting


    I took the Morning after pill, it was a couple of years ago now. From memory it didn't cause any heavy bleeding for me. Can't say if I spotted or not though.
  8. The Morning After Pill and Spotting


    Re: The Morning After Pill and Spotting

    I got quite heavy bleeding after the map but my sister reacts quite differently and just gets spotting. Everyone is different so try not to worry until your period is due.