On the pill roller coaster... Your experiences???

thread: On the pill roller coaster... Your experiences???

  1. On the pill roller coaster... Your experiences???


    On the pill roller coaster... Your experiences???

    Hi girls.
    Well since having my kIdlets I vowed to never go back on artificial hormones! But unfortunately after a long 3 years of figuring out I have Pmdd, where I am deeply affected from the dramatic changes in hormones on my normal cycle I am at the last resort of the pill again!
    The past 18 months have been horrific trying, natural therapies, ssris, cbt, that we ended up trying a progesterone only method (depo) resulting in 12 weeks of migraines non stop.
    The last 3 weeks of that I had to take estrogen to counter act the progesterone!
    Then the dr wanted me to try yaz ($85 a pop!!) and I am so tired on it, boobs hurt like hell and have put on 6 kgs!
    My. NExt option is trying loette .

    What r others experiences ???

    I don't need the pill for contraception as dh had the snip years ago, more for hormone therapy
  2. On the pill roller coaster... Your experiences???


    No idea but... HI! long time no see!! xx
  3. On the pill roller coaster... Your experiences???


    Hi!! Lol yes been a long time! Very long for me hehe x