Hi girls.
Well since having my kIdlets I vowed to never go back on artificial hormones! But unfortunately after a long 3 years of figuring out I have Pmdd, where I am deeply affected from the dramatic changes in hormones on my normal cycle I am at the last resort of the pill again!
The past 18 months have been horrific trying, natural therapies, ssris, cbt, that we ended up trying a progesterone only method (depo) resulting in 12 weeks of migraines non stop.
The last 3 weeks of that I had to take estrogen to counter act the progesterone!
Then the dr wanted me to try yaz ($85 a pop!!) and I am so tired on it, boobs hurt like hell and have put on 6 kgs!
My. NExt option is trying loette .
What r others experiences ???
I don't need the pill for contraception as dh had the snip years ago, more for hormone therapy